Stereotypes aren't always accurate, but most Americans do own at least one bottle of Ranch dressing. Even if you don't like the taste of Ranch dressing...sometimes it just comes with the fridge or miraculously appears in your grocery cart.
So, when a Reddit user asked, 'Non-Americans, what do you think every American person has in their house?' people were ready to reveal the one item, spice, piece of furniture or household feature that they assume every person from the United States possesses.
Ranch dressing. - DMC_addict
Just a literal block of cheese just chilling in the fridge. I'm certain they wake up randomly at 3am and go 'Omg cheese sounds good right now.''- AntarctMaid
Eggs in the fridge - lordfaffing
A garage fridge. Filled with beer and frozen boxes of crap from Costco. - Shantomette
A gallon of milk in the refrigerator - bawalsakape
I’m convinced almost every american has a mountain of pillows on their bed - NoImnotadumbass
Multiple different types of weird sauces - c_byum
Fridge with ice dispenser built in - Fun_Accountant7632
Every American household have a drawer full with random sh*t (dead batteries, screws, shoelaces etc) - Firm_Ideal_5256
Laundry dryer. In my country almost everyone dries their laundry on a wire outside, so the concept of a dryer is baffling to me. I only see them in American Movies & shows. - Evening_Eagle
A plastic bag filled with plastic bags. - sexyhumblebee
Large quantities of over-the-counter drugs in huge bottles. - Wombattalion
Drywall....lots of drywall - JoeTisseo
Popcorn setting on their microwave! - someone_somewear
Bbq sauce - ThrewawayXxxX
A switch that when you flick it it turns your sink into a blender - Kingdom-Kome