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Dad decides to let terminally ill daughter 'do whatever she wants.'

Dad decides to let terminally ill daughter 'do whatever she wants.'


When this dad is conflicted about his daughter, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for allowing my terminally ill daughter do whatever she wants?'

Hello, I am the (42) father to a 16 year old girl.

About 3 months ago we found out via a visit to the hospital that our daughter had a late stage form of brain cancer and were told that survival was not likely. We tried anyway, but despite our best efforts we found no improvement in the cancer. My daughter is aware of this.

Well, recently, my wife was looking for a hair straightener my daughter had borrowed and found a few grams of marijuana, an elf-bar vape, as well as a partially empty handle of Tito's Vodka in her bedroom.

When confronted, my daughter confessed to have been using these substances for about a month at that point. She said that since she knew she wasn't likely going to survive past 18, she wanted to try these things socially, and assured us she was being responsible with them.

I myself am a user of these substances, as we live in a legal state. I do not vape, though I do smoke cigarettes, drink, and will occasionally roll myself a joint.

While normally I would not want my children using these, I thought I could make an exception due to the circumstances. My wife, however, disagrees. She only drinks a glass of wine every now and then, and dislikes nicotine and marijuana.

We had a conversation and came to the conclusion that she would be allowed to do these things under my supervision, as long as they are from retail stores and dispensaries and not street dealers, though my wife remains adamant she should not be doing them at all.


Let's find out.

twinmom06 writes:

Hospice nurse chiming in. First NTA. Let her experience what she can while she can still enjoy it. I'm assuming she's either got DIPG or Glio - both devastating. Just be careful if she's taking narcotics for pain or benzos for sleep/anxiety.

The systemic depression combination of those drugs mixed with alcohol really can be a deadly combination. 2nd, try within your means to check off bucket list items for her. It gives her goals and reasons to get out of bed in thr morning. See if you can get her with Make A Wish.

They don't just do Disney for little kids. 3rd the MJ can help with pain and appetite. And 4th, if she doesn't want to treat, do get her admitted to hospice services. They can be such a help with things you don't know you need right now. Hospice is not just for the very end.

Studies show that people on Hospice live longer than those that do not get admitted till the very end. The goal is comfort and Quality of life. Best wishes to your family.

getupforall8 writes:

NTA, it’s important to note on this subject of “banned” substances that late stage cancer patients are near the top of the list of those experiencing the most impressive results in therapy with magic mushrooms.

Of course these results are achieved in clinical settings. But as I recall, some 80% plus reported a significantly improved quality of life and reduced anxiety six months after A SINGLE DOSE.

Needless to say these studies administer a standardized dose, and I believe they begin with a half dose before going to a full dose. Try that with a pharmaceutical anxiety or depression medication. Google magic mushroom therapy research. There’s serious science behind this and I’d strongly recommend you read up on it. Good luck. Chin up.

Well, looks like OP is NTA. Any advice for this dad?

Sources: Reddit
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