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Woman gets verbally attacked after moving away from plus size woman on bus.

Woman gets verbally attacked after moving away from plus size woman on bus.

When this woman feels bad about moving on the bus, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for wanting to switch seats on the bus because of who was next to me?'

I(22F) was taking a 10hour bus. The seats were tiny and considering I am pretty skinny I was fitting normally. However, my seat mate was a severely overweight lady around her 30y.

I didn’t wanna be mean so I shoved myself in the window and even then our sides were joined and I was feeling like she was leaning on me.

I was by the window and her by the isle. I glanced back and saw a grandma sitting by herself and smiled at her and asked if she minds if I join her.

She smiled and nodded and the lady next to me frowned and said. “Is there a problem?” I told her honestly I was cramping and had no space to even shift around.

This woman got so upset after that and started saying I was fat-phobic, skinny hoe, a-hole.. I told her honestly I cannot last 10hours like this and I am not staying in the seat to save her feelings and she can think whatever she wants.

She then proceeded to make an hour long phone call calling me white trash and what not. My mom said I should have waited for a rest stop and just sat down behind the lady as opposed to saying she has left me no space. Idk, I don’t think I was mean. AITA?

Let's find out.

jcbashbash writes:

NTA. She's projecting to cause drama, I'm not going to say her motivations but some people just like drama and see a benefit in it.

You are allowed to, and it is morally acceptable, to immediately advocate for your own needs when you're uncomfortable.

Like you don't get any points for being uncomfortable for several hours just to possibly avoid teeing this woman off that you were uncomfortable because she was encroaching on your space.

aggravatinglaw writes:

NTA. This is an awful situation. She knows she is plus sized and she would be encroaching on your space unintentionally.

You have every right to move. She blew up to make herself feel better. If you said you moved because she was too fat, then you would be fatphobic.

Your mom has a point;however, you have every right to move for your comfort.

clownedfaceninja writes:

NTA, you were uncomfortable and solved the problem in a kind and respectful way, she's the one who made it into an issue.

Did she want you to sit cramped for 10 hrs just to save her feelings ? And then she proceeded to body shame you, which is totally an A-hole move. Sorry you had to deal with this, and I feel sorry for anyone else who gets trapped next to this woman.

Looks like OP is NTA. Could she have handled the situation better? What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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