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Woman robs churchgoer of their sweater, says, 'that is my dead grandma's! GIVE IT.'

Woman robs churchgoer of their sweater, says, 'that is my dead grandma's! GIVE IT.'


When this woman goes to great lengths to get a sweater back, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for asking for my sweater back from the girl my mom donated it to?'

My paternal grandma who passed away made me a sweater that I love but my mom hates it to the point where she forbidden me from wearing it outside of the house. It's a brown,blue and white sweater that is uniquely design and is something that not everyone would have the taste for.

But everytime I wear the sweater I can almost feel the warmth of my grandma and it also slightly smelt like her. When I came back home from a friends house I discovered that my sweater was missing, my mom said when i asked her about it that I must've just misplaced it.

My mom is an active member of the church and the church that we go to has an outreach program there where food,lightly used and new clothes and other necessities are donated to people in need. Fast forward a week or so I go to school and this girl who's known as the quiet kid was wearing my sweater in the Cafeteria,so I Naturally go up to her and confront her.

I'll be honest I am quite popular at my school and confronted her with 2 of my friends who are also pretty well liked at our school. So I likely did come off as Intimidating especially to someone who usually is very quiet and keeps to themselves.

When I confronted her I said that I liked her sweater and asked her where she got it to which she mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't understand. So I asked again and she said it was donated, I asked her where and she reluctantly said the church and I instantly knew then what my mother has done.

I told her that the sweater was mine and that it was stolen from me and that the right thing for her to do is return it to me she didn't want to at first because it was chilly outside but ended up complying after I offered to get her a new sweater by the end of the day which I ended skipping class to do so and got her more than just a sweater.

When I returned home I returned wearing my sweater, which my mom was unhappy to see. She asked me how I got the sweater back and I explained to her that I seen somebody wearing it at school and asked them to return my sweater. She look shocked and angry and told me that she couldn't believe that I was so obsessed with that hideous thing that I'd even take it from somebody in need whom she donated it too.

I told her that I cant believe she'd give away something that she see's as pure trash to somebody in need and still call it charity. She told me to shut up and called me ungrateful. To which I replied that she had no right to steal and donate my personal belongings. She said since I'm living under her roof she can do whatever she wants to my belongings and told me she would be reducing my allowance until I decide to part ways with the sweater.

I don't know if I was being an A-hole in this situation but will certainly give back the sweater even though it sadden me to see it go. Am I the asshole?

Let's find out.

ducky818 writes:

ESH. Your mom shouldn't be taking your things without your permission. Withholding allowance because she doesn't like that you got the sweater back is ridiculous. You handled the interaction with the other student poorly. You knew she had received it via donation and yet you confronted her with your friends and made her say it was a donation to her.

You likely humiliated a student that already seems to be isolated. You should have quietly had a one-on-one conversation with her and if you really wanted it back, asked her politely instead of manipulating and bullying her into returning it.

madattoms writes:

ESH. Your mum should absolutely not have taken your sweater, and I would not give it away if it reminds you of your gran. If you are concerned that your mum won't let you keep it, give it to someone who will keep it safe for you.

But you were an AH for bullying this girl and taking the clothing off her back. It's good that you replaced the sweater, but why not get the replacement first so she didn't get cold? And why 'confront' her with your friend gang in a public place? What you need to do now is approach her on your own, without your entourage, and give her a heartfelt apology.

organicstart writes:

Op give the sweater to a friend of yours to keep safe for you and so keep it out of the house. Your mother is a huge ah and while you didn't handle the interaction with the girls the right way I m sure you were shocked to see your sweater on her. For this I will say NTA cause you bought the girl a new one. But do appologize to that girl for the way you approached her.

Wow, looks like ESH. Any advice for OP?

Sources: Reddit
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