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11 utterly random tweets to put a smile on your face today.

11 utterly random tweets to put a smile on your face today.


We scroll so you don't have to™. If at least 3 of these 11 tweets doesn't put a smile on your face, that's your fault. Take a look. We hope you enjoy!

1. Had 5 of these last night and slept terribly as usual.

2. Kids are so dumb.

3. Sorry, what were you saying?

4. Rude.

5. It's OK to laugh at this. It was hay.

6. Pretty sure half of the ambulances in New York are trying to not miss happy hour specials.

7. I'll be Shrekfasting for the day.

8. Cordcutting didn't turn out the way we thought.

9. Werk it.

10. I for one welcome our guineepig overlords.

11. New life motto.

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