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19 bosses share the things their employees do that they think they don't notice.

19 bosses share the things their employees do that they think they don't notice.


Being a boss can be an awkward position sometimes when you realize you never get invited to the post-work Happy Hour on margarita Mondays...

While and manager usually assumes that employees will cut corners is any way possible, most good leaders understand that people work in order to live and not vice versa. So, when a Reddit user asked, 'what are some things that your employees do that they think you don’t notice?' bosses and managers everywhere were ready to reveal their secret observations.


Quickly minimize whatever they're looking at as I walk over to them. Dude, I know you're not just staring at Outlook, why even pretend? - Bmc00


It amazes me how quickly people forget there is a surveillance system and it has a 4 to 6 month history. - Rmanager


Not a boss, but was high ranking in a department. You deleting your browser history or using Incognito Mode does not hide what you are doing on the internet. We see and know everything. - FaultySky


Leave early and come in late - [deleted]


I know this particular employee doesn't have as many doctor's appointments as he says he does. I know he is going on job interviews, and I'm fine with that. Our time together has come to an end. He is no longer the best fit for us, and we for him. I like him enough to give him the space to look around as long as the work is getting done, which it is. Best of luck Matt! - PM_ME_UR_WORK_NUDES


I hate when people watch movies at work, idk why, other forms of slacking don’t bother me, I guess it’s the cockiness of it that bothers me - throwawaytokeep1


I'm a general manager of a retail store. I have had several employees in the past (one current) who will talk on their phone while working with me. They will have an ear piece in and have their hair over their ear.

The girl right now will do it AND TALK when I'm right next to her. If I ask if she said something she claims to be singing the song that's playing. I just let it slide because she continues to work. I just think it's ridiculous that she A) Can stand to talk to anyone on the phone that long and B) Thinks I don't notice.

ALSO. I sit with cameras (With microphones) at my desk ALL THE TIME. It amazes me how many people will talk about me, and just do and talk about things that they most likely don't want me to hear...And yet...They ALL are aware. - optimuspaige91


Taking long lunches and disappearing for hours,

Coming in late and leaving early.

Browsing on their smartphones during work hours.

Pretty basic and typical stuff.

Tbh I’m not about micromanaging. As long as the work is getting done right and they’re meeting deadlines, and business operation is not disrupted, I don’t really care. Even my best, high performing employees do the above. - itsfrankgrimesyo


Being on the phone is real obvious. No one just looks down at their crotch for 30 seconds for the hell of it - [deleted]


Shop. Like, honey, you're missing three reports I asked for and you spend more time clicking than ever typing and you get all your clothes orders delivered to the office and pile them up in your cube. I know you're not working back there. - 20160119


There's the typical 'slacking but pretending to work' but you know what, what I really notice is when they go above and beyond. Sometimes they'll take on tasks they didn't need to, helping out their coworkers.

No one ever really mentions it, but I see it, and I remember sh*t like that when you ask me for a day off in short notice because something big came up. - tactical_nutshot


Watch Netflix on her second screen while half working on the other. I honestly don't even really care because this only happens when she's alone in the office, but the excuse of 'someone told me I needed to see this one scene' makes us both look dumb. - MotherfuckinDuane


I work in IT. We see EVERYTHING. - return2ozma


Text. All. The. F*cking. Time. Seriously, you signed the contract that said no phones in the department. It's a rule that is there to protect you if there was ever a confidentiality breach, you're on camera! How many times do you really need supplies from the closet?!?!

Also talking sh*t on each other and me In a very small work environment. Just like I get being bummed out on the boss (me) but stop dragging your coworkers. It makes the work environment so toxic. - [deleted]


Protip: people who are typing more than clicking are usually working. People who are clicking more than typing are usually browsing or playing a game. There are exceptions, but this is mostly accurate. - JADW27


They keep spare change that customers leave behind in the drawer. Joke's on them; if they turned that in to me, I'd be obligated to write them up and fill out like four separate documents for each incident, including a training on how to count back change. Every. Single. F*cking. Time.Christ on a bike, keep you eleven cents, my dudes. - Graysonation


Come in after a hard night out. They’ll try to pretend they’re in great shape but I know the pain, and let them know it’s ok. - SwatchQuatch


Sound absolutely stupid when trying to convince me they are “sick.” And think I believe them. No dude. If you call out sick, just spare me the story. If you call out sick I can’t make you come in, and even if I do, if you’re really sick and something happens I am now sued. - mathaiser


For me its just the conversations where they assume nobody can hear them, but they are in the middle of an open work space. It's a lot like having your middle school child and a friend of theirs in the back seat of your car.

They forget you are there and say things you are pretty sure they would not normally want you to hear. - outsideohio

Sources: Reddit
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