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16 of the most entitled brides and grooms making extreme demands of guests.

16 of the most entitled brides and grooms making extreme demands of guests.


The wedding-industrial complex has put pressure on engaged couples to throw absolute blowouts, and the proceedings get expensive. Some people have the balls to straight-up ask people for money, or specify how expensive a gift they expect.

When invitations come with conditions, they take away the pretext that the wedding isn't a gift grab or an attempt to break even on the party, and the shamelessness is honestly refreshing.

1. The bride who demands guests don't look hotter than them and a gift of $75 or more.

2. The bride who doesn't specify whether or not guests are allowed to look hot but insists on a gift worth at least $400, no exceptions.

3. The bride who humbly requests you ignore the pandemic and basically donate to her wedding GoFundMe.

4. The bride who wants to use her 'cred' as a town clerk to get a free DJ.

5. The bride and groom who want a friend to go into debt to do them a favor.


6. The bride who wants a friend to pay her for the honor of photographing her wedding.

7. The bride who passive-aggressively shamed their wedding guests on Facebook for not arriving with gifts.

8. The bride who insists that all bridesmaids be the exact same height, even if it means wearing 7 inch heels.

9. The bride and groom throwing a BYOB wedding and have specific requests.

10. The bride auctioning off a chance to be a bridesmaid.

11. The bride who demands bridesmaids lose weight.

12. The bride who canceled their wedding and called people the c-word for not 'donating.'

13. The bride asking guests to Uber as not to get caught hosting an illegal gathering during quarantine.

14. This other bride who says that gifts are required.


15. The bride who humbly asks friends and family to risk their lives during the pandemic because it's a 'once in a f*cking lifetime event!!!!!!!!!!'

16. The bride who banned masks.

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