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12 people with depression share the most ignorant things people have said about their mental illness.

12 people with depression share the most ignorant things people have said about their mental illness.


Being depressed is tough. Not only because you're depressed, but because it's a medical diagnosis that is also a synonym for 'extreme sadness.' Sometimes it's difficult for non-psychiatrists to understand the realities of mental illness, which leads to people saying some pretty stupid things, whether ill-intentioned or well-intentioned.

People on Reddit shared the most ignorant things they've been told about their own health, and, well, Imagine the response if you said these things to somebody with literally any other illness.

1. 'Just try not to think about it, bro.'


2. 'Other people have it worse.'


3. 'My 18-year-old daughter recently went through some depression/suicide attempts/inpatient care. My mother and her mother's parents(and even her mother) just don't get it. 'She's got everything, she shouldn't be doing this.' They are all well-intentioned, but their generation/attitude just can't grasp mental conditions, only a+b=you are happy. I tried to explain that sometimes people are just wired different, but they usually just shake their head since it requires some 'new' thinking.'


4. 'No one likes to be around a depressed person.'


5. ''You’re obviously not that depressed, you’re sitting here talking and smiling' - a psychiatrist I saw only once.'


6. ''Why pay to see a therapist when you can talk to your family about it?'

You mean the same family that will immediately tell everyone else what I just told them? I think I'll stick with an unbiased 3rd party who legally can't tell anyone what I just said.'


7. ''Your life is great. You should be more thankful of what you have and be positive.' And then proceeded to talk for half an hour about how much worse his life was and he wasn't depressed.'


8. ''It's all in your head.' No sh*t, it's not like I think I'm being attacked by some physical depression monster. How do I get it out of my head, though?'


9. 'Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time on your phone.'


10. 'I have depression (diagnosed). I'm also bisexual. People that say shitty things to me about either say the same thing. 'You just want attention.'

Yes. My way of getting attention is to embody the two things that you are least likely to be accepted for. Cause I totally f*cking love people telling me I'm faking things for attention...'


11. 'At least you don’t have cancer.'


12. ''Just get over it, be happy.' Believe us, if it were that easy, we would. Or when it’s particularly bad and you don’t have the energy to do anything, 'You’re such a homebody. Don’t be lazy.' These moments are pretty awful. It’s a living hell during an episode. Stay strong kids.'


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