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20 times the voice-to-text function went hilariously wrong.

20 times the voice-to-text function went hilariously wrong.


The voice-to-text function on phones is a great accessibility tool that not only makes it easier for people to send messages but also gives the recipients access to the sender's road rage.

Here are hilarious times that Siri picked up the wrong thing, or picked up way too much.

1. The frantic apology:

2. The 'sh*t message':

3. The bubble sh*t:

4. The text for Bethany:


5. The cat poop emergency:

6. The glasses emergency:

7. The love truck:

8. These Freudian slips from Papaw:

9. The DoorDasher:

10. The 'Oh My Lord' rant:

11. The French transliteration:

12. The road rage:

13. The Freudian slips from mom:


14. The Cheryl coffee date:

15. The radio singalong:

16. The attempt to call Elizabeth:

17. The paint bucket request:


18. The hello from Dad:

19. The Law & Order recap:

20. More road rage:

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