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Man asks if he was wrong to let stranger's 'wild' child run into street.

Man asks if he was wrong to let stranger's 'wild' child run into street.


Do we have any responsibility towards other people's children in public? That's the question Redditors are mulling over after a man posted about an incident at his local Five Guys. I'm ambivalent towards both parties in the story - but more importantly, I'm grateful that I'm childfree and don't have to worry about my offspring running into traffic.

I was at Five Guys Burgers eating at a table nearest to the exit while a young woman and her son came in. When she was ordering, her kid was messing around near the tables and started pushing on the exit door. I looked over at the mom, she was waiting for her order and playing on her phone. The kid got the two sets of doors open and was now outside and going towards the street.

Oh no!

I yelled over to the mom that her kid was outside, she frantically ran out and got him. On her way back in she gave me shit and asked why I didn't stop him. I told her that it is not my responsibility to watch her kid. She grabbed her order and stormed off past me with a loud 'FUCK YOU!'

On the one hand, he could've intervened. On the other, she should've kept a closer eye on her child.

AITA? I mean I easily could have stopped the kid, but the mom could have gotten pissed about as well.

What's worse, though: a stranger getting angry at you or someone's injury/death/loss, especially when it was preventable? I think a woman would've been more likely to act. Call it maternal instincts, call it socialization, call it what you will - I would've done something. But maybe I'm just __that__ good of a person.

EDIT Extra Info

The street wasn't busy and I was the only customer in the store aside from the mom. By the time she got to him he was just off the curb. I yelled to her as soon as he got the second door open. The most I am willing to do is alert her of any danger.

Reddit decreed that Everybody Sucks Here (ESH). That's a designation I'm comfortable with. What do you think? Per SecretRatto,

ESH, but you take the cake. You watched a small child exit the building. The kid is not your responsibility, however common decency as a human means that you step in and intervene as soon as you notice something is off. Instead of speaking up, you let the kid get through TWO sets of doors, and only sounded the alarm once the kid kept moving towards the street.

Yeah, mom should pay more attention, however there are instances where horrible things can happen even when parents are consistently diligent.

Your logic is what? Let the kid get hurt (or worse) and only do the bare minimum, at the last possible moment, because you don't like the POS mom? You cared more about the mom's reaction than the safety of a small child, which means you're the bigger asshole, and trying to hide behind shitty 'not my responsibility' nonsense.

Sources: Reddit
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