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'AITA for acting entitled when I asked why my daughter didn’t get anything to eat?'

'AITA for acting entitled when I asked why my daughter didn’t get anything to eat?'

"AITA for acting entitled when I asked why my daughter didn’t get anything to eat?"

I 32F have a daughter 5F Ava. I got scheduled for another shift on Friday last minute and got Ava’s classmate Lisa’s mom to pick her from school and I’d pick up Ava on my way back from work. I have had Lisa over many times at my house, but I struggle to feed her as she is a very picky eater, but I try my best.

I picked up Ava at 7:00 and in the car, Ava said she was starving. I asked her if she had anything to eat and she said no Lisa and her family had dinner but she hadn’t. I messaged Lisa’s mom politely to thank her again for taking in Ava at such short notice, and asked why Ava hadn’t eaten anything at the house as she hadn’t eaten since lunch at 1.

Lisa’s mom was offended and called me entitled for expecting her to feed Ava on short notice after doing me a favor. Ava hasn’t been over at Lisa’s long enough to have food before, but as the whole family ate I assumed Ava would have been included?

Lisa’s mom brought up how when I have Lisa over she doesn’t eat, but that isn’t from lack of trying. Lisa said Ava didn’t say she was hungry, so she didn’t know, but I think it’s still strange that the whole family ate and nobody offered for Ava to join them.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

daeganthedragon said:

NTA. I feel so bad for your daughter. I've been that kid that was told to sit in another room by myself while my friend's whole family ate dinner and it makes you feel really excluded and alone, especially when you're hungry but maybe feel scared to ask for food--I mean, she's FIVE!

I barely have the strength to ask for food at a friend's house now at 31, I can't imagine getting up the nerve at a friend's house with someone's mom who is clearly giving off vibes that she didn't want to feed her.

Hopefully she doesn't remember those feelings too much since she's so young, but that's ridiculous. I doubt she would have had that big of a portion, anyway.

kellyjameson_ said:

NTA. people are so strange. As an adult, why would you intentionally leave a child out for a basic necessity? That is not normal. Lisa’s mom doesn’t sound like a friend to you or Ava. I’m also imagining them at the dinner table eating and poor Ava in a corner somewhere wishing she could have a bite. argh!

MaudeBaggins said:

NTA - it seems bizarre to have anyone, much less a very small child in your home, with everyone eating, whilst excluding that other person. I grew up with my Mum always making some sort of snack for children or visitors that may appear. There was always emergency cake or biscuits in case of visitors. Not feeding someone is unfathomable.

apeep37 said:

NTA. When I was younger, I was invited to a friend’s house and in the middle of our playdate, her family had dinner. The mom came into her room and told my friend dinner was done, but told me it wasn’t for me and my friend would be back shortly. I remember feeling so embarrassed and hurt. Now as a mom, I’d never imagine letting my kids have friends over and not feeding them.

Spiritual-Bridge3027 said:

This person decided that you didn’t care to feed her daughter and so she wanted to take revenge, all the while not caring that it’s a 5 year old she’s punishing. If that isn’t petty enough for you to stop engaging with her and her daughter, I don’t know what else is. NTA.

Apprehensive_War9612 said:

NTA. Do not rely on this woman ever again and stop having her child at your house.

Seltzer-Slut said:

NTA. 5 year olds eat very little anyways, it wouldn’t have taken much to feed her and it’s unthinkable to not feed a child you’re watching.

Sources: Reddit
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