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'AITA for not pouring out my whisky, causing my GF to want to breakup?' UPDATED

'AITA for not pouring out my whisky, causing my GF to want to breakup?' UPDATED

"AITA for not pouring out my whisky, causing my GF to want to breakup?"

Yeah. 21 year old guy here. I drink pretty rarely, the past month maybe twice, and I mean.. a couple shots- maybe 3, nothing too crazy.. in the pool, man that hits the spot. Man oh man. Anyways yea so my gf saw that I had a bottle of whiskey on my shelf (unopened btw..) She tells me that she doesn’t feel comfortable with me having it ??

Yea I know, pretty weird right.. or is this normal to other people? Turns into an argument, I’m like what?? You can’t be serious. Then I explain to her that I don’t even drink like that, she said she doesn’t feel comfortable and then she goes “it’s f^%$ my feelings right?” I’m like look you’re being immature, I won’t drink without letting you know (gosh I know right don’t rub this one in.)

I’m pretty tired tonight so I say look I don’t want to argue about this, I just want you to trust me and I need you to let me make my own decisions. She goes “so you’re choosing a bottle of whiskey over our relationship” then she blocks me.

What do we think fellas?? Ladies, you’re welcome too. Edit: guys she and her family do not drink. She has 1 margarita and she’s out, not a past alcoholic, just a control freak.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA, let her block you. I hate when people play the "so you're choosing ___ over our relationship" game when she's the one who decided to have an issue with it in the first place. It's a bottle of whiskey, not a bag of ______ ffs.

Bro!! I said the same s%$# lol! But I used ____ instead of ______ in the example.

You’re young and still have lots of growing to do, that’s all it is. And fyi people set boundaries for themselves, doing so for others is called control. So yes let her block you.

If she comes back, tell her you never chose anything before - but now you are choosing peace of mind over someone who will make ultimatums out of no where, and to please resume blocking you. Take care

You're 21 years old. Make an adult decision. If you're old enough to drink, you're old enough to see your new girlfriend is a child and should be your old girlfriend. NTA, but good god...

The next day OP came back with a new, but related post: "My GF told me she’s leaving if I don’t marry her in 9 months."

Howdy folks. Per my last post, I guess she broke up with me last night. I’m 21 and she is 22, we’ve been dating for about 3 months. She told me recently, that if I don’t plan on marrying her in 9 months, to let her know right now so she can leave and find someone else.

Now this might not sound crazy to you all but I’m in flight school, I’m also seperately enrolled in college.. so I’m not ready for marriage quite yet.

I explained this to her and I also mentioned how we have been together 3 months and in my own personal opinion 9 more isn’t nearly enough time to decide if I want to spend the rest of my life with you (that didn’t go over well.)

She listened, and she responded: “don’t waste my time.” I told her if she wanted to marry so soon, I need a prenup to protect myself, she declined and reiterated that I don’t trust her. I went on about how college+flight instruction is going to be hard enough and I spoke about timing, her argument was that having a wife and KIDS will make everything easier.

I really do like her but I’m starting to think she’s crazy. Fellas? Ladies, you’re welcome too. Edit: she is not pregnant. We have been dating 3 months, she refuses to wait longer than 1 year. 9 months + 3 months = 1 year

Here's what people had to say about once they got this new info:

I feel like you should see your SO in multiple seasons of life before getting married. When s&^% hits the fan how do they act? Most of the time you don’t see all the qualities of a person in the first year you know them, and especially not in the first three months.

OP responded:

Nailed it.

I am a woman and I am telling you, that's not normal. Run.

At three months, this is likely as good as your relationship will ever be. Consider this ultimatum a gift. She is not good wife material. Don't waste another day on her.

You’re right, she is a bit crazy. It makes breaking up so much easier knowing that, don’t you think? Best of luck with flight school etc. NTA

OP responded:

A thousand people agreeing also makes it easier

NTA and run away fast! If she couldn't even sign a prenuptial agreement there is a red flag. Parents are probably crazy too.

I was gifted/inherited a house on 180 acres 1 hour from Nashville...Her mom is ballistic

Your inheritance was probably her retirement plan.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚this is funny but probably true with a mixture of my career.

The same happened to me. Sorry you're hurting bro.

πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ we’re coming up

Update from OP 4 hours after the second post:

Here’s your update. We broke up. She tried guilt tripping me by telling me how much I hurt her and how much of an a%$#ole I am. I told her to stop and I said if you want we can be friends. She declined and said she hates me and she’s gonna act like I don’t exist (bc she found out that I removed her from my Instagram)

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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