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'AITA for being annoyed with a soccer mom?'

'AITA for being annoyed with a soccer mom?'


"AITA for being annoyed with a soccer mom?"

My 13 year old plays soccer. There is one particular mom who has a younger child not on the team, maybe 7/8 F. Mom is a gentle parent, kid is an absolute brat and does whatever she wants.

During games if mom gets “touched out” as she calls it and basically is overwhelmed and needs a break from her own kid she’ll just walk away and assume the other soccer parents will supervise. I don’t feel like I am responsible for her kid so I won’t supervise. Last weekend Crunchy mom walked away and left little Meri sitting next to me.

Meri decides to run out on the field and obviously got trampled. Crunchy mom comes running over furious with ME because I should have been watching her as I knew she stepped away.

Mind you she never asked if I’d watch her just assumed I would because I also have younger kids (2 & 11 months)…. I explained that I too was “all touched out” by her kid who thinks she can climb all over ANYONE get into everyone’s stuff so I too was taking a break from her kid at that time.

So AITA? Is it my duty to watch someone else’s kid because our older boys are on the same soccer team?

Let's see what readers thought:

aswert writes:

You would be the ah if the child was in mortal danger, ie walking onto a busy road or something - but if a mother left a kid near that sort danger, you should also call child services.

If anything, this case is the opposite. You shouldn't interfere with anyone else's child unless in serious danger or you've been asked to. She could have called the police on you! NTA.

agap89 writes:

Obviously NTA. Killer response to that audacity! So weird the other parents didn't get your telepathically delivered message that babysitting duty was transferred them/s

car8 writes:

NTA. Poor Meri is not being taught to understand boundaries or manage her own behaviors. Her mom is creating a bigger issue for herself, as Meri will be an increasing handful over time. But that’s not your responsibility. Crunchy mom (love your nickname for her!) needs to parent and not expect others to do so in her place simply owing to proximity. Hopefully, some of what should be a big lesson (in Meri being trampled) sinks in for Meri and Crunchy.

Sources: Reddit
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