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'AITA for canceling our honeymoon?' 'Everything seemed perfect.'

'AITA for canceling our honeymoon?' 'Everything seemed perfect.'


"AITA for canceling our honeymoon?"

My husband, Diego, and I got married three weeks ago. It was a beautiful wedding, but incredibly exhausting for both of us. We had planned our honeymoon in Bali, a trip we had dreamed about since getting engaged. Everything seemed perfect, until it wasn’t.

A few days before we were supposed to leave, Diego’s mom, Carmen, called him crying. She claimed her health had worsened and that she needed him close in case something went wrong. Being the devoted son he is, Diego told me we should postpone the honeymoon. I was frustrated, but I agreed, thinking it was a serious matter.

Two days later, I found out that Carmen had planned a “surprise family gathering” at her house that same weekend. Her health scare was just an excuse. When I confronted Diego, he tried to defend her, saying she was “emotionally fragile” and just missed him.

That was the breaking point for me. I decided to cancel the honeymoon altogether instead of just postponing it. I told Diego that if we couldn’t prioritize our marriage from the start, we needed to rethink our priorities.

Now Diego is upset, saying I overreacted and we could’ve just gone later. My mother-in-law accuses me of being selfish and “taking her son away.” But I feel like Diego allowed her to manipulate something important for us. AITA for canceling our honeymoon and refusing to compromise further?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

ParfaitAdditional469 said:

NTA. Your husband’s mother is going to ruin your marriage.

CharmingVivian said:

NTA. This is actually what i fear most in marraige, having MIL like this. she could've just let her son enjoy cause he just got married and be happy for him instead of pulling pranks. your husband should've talk to his mother and defended you when she called you selfish.

Beautiful_Help_3523 said:

You're not the AH. Your husband's mother's actions were manipulative, and your decision to prioritize your honeymoon was justified. It's important to set boundaries and protect your relationship, especially in the early stages of marriage.

cgrobin1 said:

Taking her son away?. That is marriage. MIL lied to and manipulated her son and ruined their honeymoon. There is no reason for OP to ever believe her. Maybe OP should take a friend to Bali, if she can't get a refund since husband will be busy hanging onto mommy's apron strings.

stiggley said:

NTA So his mom is willing for you to lose all the money on the honeymoon - in order to exert control over your life and throw a party. A party that costs you thousands. As its only been 3 weeks, you can seek a annulment of the marriage. Leave the momma's boy to his momma and find yourself someone who respects you and your relationship.

thekookymama31 said:

NTA. Please seek out an annulment if it's only been 3 weeks. Your MIL has already wiggled her way into your marriage. If Diego doesn't have enough cahonas to put that woman in her place he has already ruined your marriage.

Sources: Reddit
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