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'AITA for knitting a sweater while watching a movie with my in-laws?' 'She scowled.'

'AITA for knitting a sweater while watching a movie with my in-laws?' 'She scowled.'

"AITA for knitting a sweater while watching a movie with my in-laws?"

So I was hanging out with my in-laws at their big modern “cabin” this past week. It was about 20 people total through the week (not all at the same time) so it was a little crowded at times. One evening we were all going to sit and watch a movie, so I figured it was a good time for me to work on one of my sweaters.

For knitters who will understand, it’s a top-down raglan, and I’m at the body of the sweater, so it’s endless stockinette on circular needles with a color change for the ribbing (which I wouldn’t have gotten to during the movie). It’s not a very involved project where I need to keep count, and I’ve been knitting for eons, so I don’t look at my needles for basic stockinette.

However my MIL got annoyed at me for knitting during the movie. I wasn’t in her line of vision, but when she looked over after scanning the room, she scowled. After the movie, she asked me why I was knitting when we were watching a movie.

I said that I watched the movie, I was just doing something with my hands. She scowled again and said that it was rude for me to just go off and do my own thing the whole time.

I didn’t really know what to say, so I just said “Uh… okay,” (creative, right?) and went to the bedroom. My husband was already getting ready for bed, so I brought it up to him and he said I can just ignore her, she’s just being controlling. Am I wrong here?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

simplylisa said:

NTA. I crochet through anything. I pay better attention to the movie when doing something with my hands. She's just being difficult.

FuzzyMom2005 said:

NTA. Your husband is right. Ignore her. How can you be rude? You're quiet. You're not interfering with her experience. But maybe your husband needs to have a word with his mom.

singingmaiden said:

NTA at all. I work with people who knit or crochet during virtual staff meetings (and truthfully I do too). It can be argued that some people actually focus more that way.

WakingOwl1 said:

NTA in any way. That’s a totally normal thing to do. Every time my friend group gets together at least one person pulls out a project to work on while we chat or watch a movie.

spencer1402 said:

NTA. She’s obviously not a creative person at all. I crochet and what’s the difference with you knitting or eating a bowl of popcorn. She is controlling.

SheiB123 said:

NTA. You were also watching the movie...she sounds controlling and jealous that you make beautiful things.

Sources: Reddit
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