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'AITA for not 'letting it go' when my car got totaled? I figured out who did it.'

'AITA for not 'letting it go' when my car got totaled? I figured out who did it.'


"AITA for not 'letting it go' when my car got totaled?"

I (17M) am a senior in the southern US. The towns near mine are small, so my town and 2 others combine to make the high school. There are elementary/middle schools in all 3 towns though so I hadn't met many of the people there until 9th grade. Last Thursday when I got to school there were 2 open parking spots next to each other so I parked there.

Everything was fine until the end of the day. My friends, Mark and Joe, were coming over to my house but we got to my car and I saw it was wrecked. Both of the left side doors were dented all the way from the back to the front. My side view mirror was completely gone. My left tail light was smashed, and the bumper was hanging off. Neither door on the left could open so I couldn’t get in.

The car that had parked next to me was gone, but whoever was there did it.

Mark and Joe were shocked and I was kneeling in disbelief. I called my dad and he said to stay there and he’d leave work. He called the authorities but I was still in shock, so he talked to them before they asked me what happened.

I told them what I knew, which was not a lot, and they drove me home while my dad talked to them for a little while longer. Me, Mark, and Joe went back to mine and my dad came home a little while later. He said they’d see what they could do, but there are no cameras in the parking lot so there was no video.

Then, Mark yelled he knows who did it. He had texted his gf and told her about my car and she said she saw a girl, Annie, driving and the right side of her truck was ruined. Joe had texted his brother and he said that he saw Annie park next to me since her truck is bright red.

Annie lives in another town but she seemed fine. We weren't friends but we knew similar people, so we hung out sometimes. Annie has a massive pickup truck but she doesn’t really need one? Her mom’s a teacher, her dad’s an elementary principal and Annie works at a grocery store.

Me, Mark, and Joe drove over to Annie’s house to see if her truck was damaged. Her truck was in her driveway, her right headlight was broken, and her right doors were scraped. Annie ran out of her house and I asked if she hit my car. She freaked out and was yellin. Her dad ran up and said that he’d call law enforcement if we didn’t scram so we left.

Friday morning, I got called into the principal’s (Mr. S) office. Annie, her dad, and her uncle (the chief) were there. I tried to say I knew Annie hit my car but Mr S told me there was a report I har-ssed Annie at her house. I tried to explain and ask if I could call my dad, but the principal said that they have a zero tolerance policy for harassment and I was suspended.

They told me to leave and the principal told me to just “let it go” and then I can go back. I texted my friends and most of them told me Annie is crazy and they're with me but some told me that I should chill cause Annie didn’t mean to hit my car. So, AITA? Should I have just let it go?

The internet kept the comments coming in response.

kimpitzer wrote:

NTA I would at this point politely at first request the investigation be done by your county police or state police. Her uncle being the Chief of P-lice is a HUGE conflict of interest and it seems like they are completely ignoring the damage to your car that probably totaled it. In addition make sure your insurance knows about ALL of this, including the uncle being Chief of P-lice.

Law enforcement like him give the profession a bad name, I have family and friends who are law enforcement and if they had a family member do this they would report the family member in a nano second.

Ok_Conversation9750 wrote:

NTA. Annie committed a hit and run. Report this t0 your insurance company.

Edit: your principal has a zero tolerance against “har-ssment “ but apparently is 100% okay with shielding a f-lon.

Confident_Set4216 wrote:

NTA. Say you’ll let it go once they pay to either fix or replace your car. I hope you got pictures of her car that you can compare to yours to help along with it was her car.

I also would tell your dad about what happened and them refusing to let a parent be with you while this talk was happening. Also har-ssing is definitely not ONE approach to ask a simple question, it’s multiple approaches over time that increases in aggression, you did not do any of that however.

Ornery-Ticket834 wrote:

Let it go? Someone destroyed your car and you “ let it go?" No. But I would take pictures of both cars and see if you can definitively nail down thru witnesses or otherwise that she is responsible. If that is the case I would make a police report and sue her for damages.

A slight fender bender maybe can be let go. This was an ass-ult. Also if she gets away with it she may end up doing it again to someone else.

You are the AH if you let it go.

r_z_n wrote:


I would actually escalate this and press charges. I have zero tolerance for this type of bullshit. Should be pretty easy to prove it was her car, was there paint left on either your car or hers that would provide evidence?

Excellent_Count4009 wrote:

NTA. The ONLY reasonable reaction is to make a police report for her destroying your car and leaving.

"They told me to leave and the principal told me to just “let it go” and then I can go back." And this needs to be reported to the police and the school board.

Sources: Reddit
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