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Uncle refuses to let kids use his prized LEGO room, sister says he's 'hoarding toys from actual children.' AITA?

Uncle refuses to let kids use his prized LEGO room, sister says he's 'hoarding toys from actual children.' AITA?


"AITA for not letting my sister’s kids use my 'toy' room?"


I (34M) am child-free and have been my entire life. I’ve always loved hobbies like building LEGO sets, collecting action figures, and even some light gaming. Over the years, I’ve turned one of the rooms in my house into a "toy room," which is essentially my personal space filled with collectibles, intricate LEGO models, and a few rare items I’ve spent a lot of time and money acquiring.

My sister (38F) has three kids: 9F, 7M, and 5M. She’s always known I’m into this stuff and never seemed to care until recently when her family came over for a visit. Her youngest son (5M) saw the room while I was showing my brother-in-law around the house and immediately got excited. He asked if he could go in and play.

I gently told him that the room wasn’t for playing, and I’d be happy to set up some toys he could use in the living room instead. This didn’t go over well with my sister. She said I was being ridiculous and that I should let the kids "be kids" and enjoy themselves.

I stood firm and explained that many of the items in that room were fragile, expensive, or had sentimental value. Her kids were disappointed, and she accused me of being "selfish" and "not understanding how to be part of a family."

She’s since brought it up multiple times, saying I’m "hoarding toys from actual children" and making her feel unwelcome. To be clear, I love my niece and nephews. I’ve always gotten them gifts for their birthdays and played with them when they visit.

But I see my collection as more of a hobby or an art display than something for kids to handle. It’s not like I have a house full of toys and I’m refusing to share—it’s one dedicated room that I’ve spent years building up.

My parents are split on the issue. My mom thinks I could’ve "compromised" by supervising the kids in the room, but my dad sides with me, saying it’s my house and my rules.

My sister’s still upset, and now I’m starting to wonder if I overreacted.

So, AITA for not letting my sister’s kids play in my toy room?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


She is annoying...

Does she let her kids take out all her makeup and cosmetics to play with? Does she regularly just hand her phone to her kids to play? NTA.


OP, I hope the door to that room has a lock because I can totally see your sister letting the kids in to play when you aren't around or paying attention.


NTA. It’s your space, and you’ve made it clear that it’s a personal hobby, not a playroom. You offered alternatives, and your sister should respect your boundaries.


NTA. Let the kids be kids, and get told 'NO'.


NTA. There’s a lot of sentiment and money in that room. Kids that age have no concept of either. That room would be destroyed in no time if the kids were left alone, and even if monitored the risk wouldn’t be worth it.

Other options were offered, and your sister should have explained to her children that unfortunately that room was off limits. Instead she is setting her kids up with entitlement expectations. She’s the AH and needs to grow up.


And I'm willing to bet she'd be the type to not pay OP back if the kid destroyed anything "but it's just a toy and kids do that's let them be kids" ...smh.


NTA. Legos are not necessarily toys - some of them are actually great pieces of work. Also, your house, your rules. If she does not agree, shoosh them out. Entitled people are the worst.

I ask myself if she lets them use her make up , her clothes and such - highly doubt it, however there is children make-up, so make-up, using her line of thoughts, is a toy :D


Why does your mother have to have an opinion on this? Why was she dragged into something that doesn't even concern her? What is with some people to drag other people into their arguments?


Because sis knew mommy would take her side and “protect” the precious grandchildren. NTA. I have a collection of things that look appealing to kids too, but it’s not worth the risk of them breaking things.


“Hoarding toys from children” ☠️ as if OP having them means there are no toys on earth left for the kids. Tell your sister she can stop worrying about it because she’ll no longer be invited to your house if she continues to throw a tantrum when even her 5 year old was mature enough not to do.


There is a huge difference between a kids play room and an adults toy room. Kids play rooms are filled with toys meant to be used, an adult toy room is filled with collectables that are valuable and often irreplaceable if damaged.

Your sister is acting rude and entitled. She should have explained the difference to the kids and told them when they are older (mature teenagers or adults) you can show them the room. Her parenting skills are dismal. She obviously gives them whatever they want so they leave her alone. That’s unfortunate because it’s not in the best interest of the children.

Perhaps you should ask to throw a raging party at her house or to borrow her car for the sole purpose of doing burnouts and off roading. When she says no, let her know she’s selfish and doesn’t know how to be part of a family.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

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