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'AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she accused me of stealing?' 'She even threatened to call the police.'

'AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she accused me of stealing?' 'She even threatened to call the police.'


"AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she accused me of stealing?"

Hi everyone, I (25F) need some advice because my family is in uproar over this. My sister, Emily (32F), has three kids (7M, 5F, 2F). I adore my nieces and nephew, and I've always been the go-to babysitter whenever Emily needed help. I've taken them in overnight, watched them on weekends, and even took care of them for a week when Emily and her husband went on vacation.

A few weeks ago, Emily called me in a panic, saying she had lost her wedding ring. She asked if I had seen it, and I genuinely hadn't. I helped her search the entire house, but we couldn’t find it. Emily was really upset, but we eventually gave up.

A few days later, Emily called me again, this time in tears, accusing me of stealing her ring. She said she couldn't think of anyone else who would have taken it since I'm the only person who's been in the house alone.

I was shocked and hurt that she would accuse me of something like that. I tried to convince her that I would never do such a thing, but she wouldn't listen. She even threatened to call the police if I didn't return it.

I couldn't believe my own sister would think so little of me. My parents got involved and took Emily's side, saying that it was suspicious that the ring disappeared right after I had been there. They pressured me to "confess" and return the ring, but I stood my ground because I was innocent.

In the midst of this family drama, Emily asked me to babysit her kids for a few hours because she had an emergency at work. I refused, telling her that I couldn't help someone who thought I was a thief. She called me selfish and said I was punishing her kids for something they had nothing to do with.

My parents are now furious with me, saying that family should stick together no matter what and that I'm being petty and immature. They believe I should just let it go for the sake of the children. Emily has continued to insist that I took the ring, and my refusal to babysit has only made things worse.

Emily, her husband and my parents are calling me an AH for refusing to babysit and taking it out on kids who have noting to do with this. AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she accused me of stealing?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

PositionSuch1097 said:

NTA. This is absolutely infuriating! Your sister has the audacity to accuse you of theft and then expects you to just babysit her kids like nothing happened? Hell no. Your family is enabling this toxic behavior by siding with her without any proof.

They’re all treating you like a scapegoat, and it’s disgusting. You don't owe any of them anything, especially babysitting. They owe you a massive apology, and you have every right to refuse to babysit until they do.

This is beyond just a misunderstanding; it’s a blatant attack on your character. Stand your ground and don't let them guilt-trip you into backing down.

Key-Excitement4851 said:

NTA Your sister's actions were completely out of line, and your family should be ashamed of themselves. Accusing someone of stealing is a huge deal, especially when it’s a close family member.

And to then turn around and expect you to babysit like nothing happened is beyond disrespectful. Stand your ground. They need to understand the gravity of what they did to you. An apology should be the bare minimum after accusing you of such a serious offense.

Super_Selection1522 said:

It's not just about the babysitting. I wouldn't step foot in a house where I had been accused of stealing. What would I be accused of next? And sister wants a thief in her house? This boggles the mind. Op has been gifting them free babysitting and they treat her like dirt.

She doesn't owe her sister free child care. Sis can pay for it like everyone else. The suggestion that op stole the ring...even if she did how can you continue contact with someone accusing you of this stuff.

If she did it, she doesn't belong babysitting. And if she didn't, she doesn't belong babysitting, potentially accused of something else. And oh yeah, if this gets resolved, op should stop being so available and should also charge for it. NTA.

No_Cod3515 said:

NTA. You're not wrong for refusing to babysit. Your sister accused you of stealing her ring without proof. She even threatened to call the cops on you. That's messed up. It's normal to not want to help someone who thinks you're a thief. Your family is being unfair by taking her side. Stand up for yourself. You're not hurting the kids - you're protecting yourself.

Mysterious-System680 said:

NTA, and you cannot return to that house, under any circumstances, until the ring is found. If you do, then it’s a safe bet that, if they find the ring afterwards, they will insist that you brought it back because you were found out.

Brilliant_Norma said:

NTA. Being accused of theft by a family member can be incredibly hurtful and stressful. It's understandable that you're not in the right frame of mind to care for her children while dealing with this emotional turmoil.

Sources: Reddit
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