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'AITA for 'ruining' my coworker's big reveal by guessing it right away?'

'AITA for 'ruining' my coworker's big reveal by guessing it right away?'


"AITA for 'ruining' my coworker's big reveal by guessing it right away?"

So, I (24M) work in an office where we all get along pretty well. One of my coworkers, “Amy” (30F), is super into dramatic announcements. She once revealed she got a dog by bringing in balloons shaped like paw prints. She’s fun, and we all humor her because, honestly, the office can get boring.

Last week, Amy was bursting with excitement. She kept hinting she had “HUGE news” but wouldn’t tell anyone until Friday during our team lunch. All week, she was dropping vague hints like, “It’s something life-changing,” and “You’ll NEVER guess!” Naturally, this got everyone speculating—was she engaged? Pregnant? Won the lottery? Bought a house?

By Thursday, I was kind of over it. So, when she made another big “I can’t wait to tell you all!” comment, I jokingly said, “What, are you pregnant or something?”

Well. She froze, looked at me, and said, “Um, yes. That’s my news.” The room got SUPER awkward. She looked upset, and a couple of our coworkers gave me the stink eye.

I apologized right away, saying I was just guessing and didn’t mean to ruin her moment. She brushed it off, but the vibe was weird for the rest of the day. Friday rolls around, and during the big lunch reveal, she goes, “As SOME of you may have already figured out...I’m pregnant!” Everyone clapped, but I could tell she was still annoyed.

Later, she told me I “stole her thunder” and that I should’ve just let her have her moment. I get it, but was I supposed to know I’d guess right? Some of my coworkers agree with her and think I was rude. Others think it’s not a big deal since it was just a lucky guess.

Now I’m wondering—AITA for accidentally spoiling her big announcement?

Edit: She had previously brought up the hopes of pregnancy or else the comment would have never been made.

The commenters had a lot to say in response.

BoomerBaby1955 wrote:

Every now and then I read a post like this that makes me so glad I’m retired! Your co-worker sounds exhausting. NTA.

OP responded:

Oh to be retired, you’re right - she is exhausting.

Fit_General7058 wrote:


It wasn't a moment though, was it? It was a whole bloody week, with clues that had I'm prefnant all over them.

She said you'd never guess, which is inviting guesses. She obviously believes having a baby is so rare, none of you would think that could be it. That there thunder went rumbling on far too long.

I'd prefer a boring office to one with Amy in.

OP responded:

Maybe I’ll send her this post and she can ponder about making this such a big deal.

Ok_Pangolin2219 wrote:

NTA if you really want a surprise you don't announce it for days to no end. When I told my team I was pregnant it was at the end of some random team meeting, we were doing a round table of work related or random stuff, I just mentioned it, tbh I was very excited. There was a good 5 second silence because it was just so random lol. It was really funny to see my colleagues "get it."

Present_Dimension619 wrote:

Tbh if she wanted to surprise everyone she should have cut to the chase a lot sooner. Pregnancy is one of the first things people guess when they state they have big news. Seems like her own fault tbh.

SwoopyOWO wrote:

NTA she needs to grow the FK up, especially if she is having a child. I assume she has no real life and thus forces her "big" moments on people that are forced to work in an area with her.

Wakemeup3000 wrote:

NTA. Its big news for her but for everyone else its a coworker having a baby. She should have just told everyone but instead she decided to make it a huge deal for a prolonged period of time. Only asshole here is Amy who seems to be stuck in middle school thinking.

OP responded:

This is how I feel, we aren’t family. We aren’t friends. We just work in the same building but yet she still thinks it’s huge news for all of me and my colleagues as if we are going to coparent this child.

Prideandprejudice1 wrote:

Unless your news is something like “I’m the sole heir to the kingdom of Genovia since the passing of my father, the King, whom I’ve never met” then people are always going to assume the common/popular announcements: “I’m pregnant,” “I’m engaged,” “I bought a new car/house/apartment/pet,” “I saw a kangaroo on the road on my way to work…” 😉

OP responded:

I did in fact see a kangaroo on the way to work 🦘🦘🦘

Gentleheartt wrote:

She clearly put a lot of thought into this reveal, and it’s disappointing when something like that gets messed up. But at the same time, it was a total accident on ur part, and you apologized. It’s not like you did it to be mean. Maybe just try to show her you’re genuinely excited for her and that might smooth things over. It’s not worth falling out over.

majesticjewnicorn wrote:

NTA but your coworker sounds like an exhausting, unprofessional attention-seeker. She's at work- who really cares if she got a dog? If her pregnancy affects everyone else's workloads, then I guess it's relevant but other than that- who cares? And she thinks she's special yet millions of people worldwide get dogs or become pregnant.

Everyone else "ooh"ing and "ahhh"ing and rising to the bait are enabling her. Her behaviours need shutting down. Anytime she makes these grand "reveals", just reply with "good for you" and go back to what you were doing before she interrupted you.

What do management think of her behaviours? Can you speak to a manager and say she is distracting everyone and that because you coincidentally guessed her groundbreaking news... she is creating a hostile work environment by giving you the cold shoulder?

OP responded:

I am thinking of contacting management if she continues to distract the office, because i mean it’s totally acceptable to be excited over a pregnancy and want to share, but it’s just the way she went about it.

Sources: Reddit
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