My wife has a somewhat difficult relationship with her parents. The usual stuff you see: lack of respect for boundaries, bossiness, unsolicited opinions about personal choices. She has a hard time pushing back, in part because she is a natural people-pleaser, and in part because her parents paid for her long and expensive education.
I don't have big issues with them, but then I don't have any problem saying no to my elders, having left home for college at 16 and having become pretty wealthy before 30.
WE (with two young kids) moved far from her parents a few years ago, and some distance helped the relationship. In-laws split their time between my wife's natal city and California. Recently, MIL finally retired, and they started making noises about selling their primary residence and buying near us. Until fairly recently, though, it seemed like no more than a velleity.
A few weeks ago, a house two doors down from us -- we live in a somewhat secluded neighborhood with few houses and low turnover -- went on the market. In-laws excitedly told us they were putting a bid in. Their sense of entitlement extends to real estate and they put in a low bid full of conditions.
Still, my wife was very worried. She does not want them as neighbors. Neither do I, nor do I want to see a rare modest home in our area go to a part-time resident, when housing is scarce here.
I quickly formed an LLC and bid full ask. I can afford it. It was accepted, we close shortly, and I plan to rent it out (rental housing is very hard to find here) and leave management to an agency. I did NOT tell my wife. Our finances are mostly separate. I did not want to put her in a position where she would have to lie to her parents or reveal what would be taken as a very provocative action.
The in-laws raged against the "mystery person who gazzumped them", the seller, the realtor. I just nodded sympathetically.
I've told no one but my brother. He told me it was a AH move. That surprised me, so I am wondering what outside observers think of what I did.
Not only are not an AH, you are a real life hero! I salute you.
This! I want a husband like this!
Yes, this was the way to go. Thanks for teaching me a new word, “velleity”.
NTA - It was a smart move tbh. It’s better to stay away from toxic people. Your in-laws would probably be constantly in your wife’s face, criticizing her or saying mean things and it will definitely affect her mental health tbh.
Thanks for all the helpful comments! Few things to clarify.
1. Quite sure ny brother won't spill the beans. He hasn't seen my In-laws in years and he is not the type to go bring it up with my wife. His objection is more that it will do more longterm good to "have it out" with the inlaws and I'm avoiding the core problem.
2. The agency has been instructed only to rent full-time residents. The idea being that it is dangerous to leave the house completely unoccupied for long stretches. That should exclude my in-laws. But that said they aren't the types to rent they like to do things exactly to their specification.
3. I made a lot of money before I met my wife. That's entirely separate. We share the other stuff. I paid using the separate resources. That said, my wife shows very little interest in our investments and in practice leaves it entirely to me.
4. The comments have made me think that I need to find a way to disclose this to my wife. I'm going to give some thought to the how and the when and I'll try to update everyone when it happens.