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'AITA for telling someone about a pregnancy rumour? Everything has gotten out of hand.'

'AITA for telling someone about a pregnancy rumour? Everything has gotten out of hand.'

"AITA for telling someone about a pregnancy rumour?"

I really didn’t mean to cause any harm with this, but in 24 hours everything has blown up. I (17f) had the first day of school yesterday. It’s my final year of high school, and I’m pretty involved with school clubs, so I know a lot of people even though I’m not popular and not involved with much drama, until no.

On the way home I saw some friends I hadn’t talked to over the holidays and while chatting one of them brought up a girl we can call Layla (16f).

Two of my friends had heard that Layla was telling people her sister Cassidy (18f) who graduated last year is now pregnant. I knew Cassidy and even though we weren‘t close friends, she was always super nice. None of us really believed it, but they had both heard it separately, and thought it was weird.

I thought since Cassidy wasn’t at school to defend herself or even hear about it, someone should tell her that people in Y11 and Y12 were hearing it. So I dm’d her on Instagram telling her what I’d heard, said I didn’t believe it, and didn’t really expect a response. She messaged me back thanking me and asking a few question, and I thought I’d done the right thing.

Apparently not, because today Layla found me at lunch and yelled at me for messaging her sister. Turns out their mum saw the message and now they have family drama, and are blaming Cassidy for the rumour being spread, not Layla. Layla said she had no idea the rumour was spreading at all, and she had no part in it.

Layla also said I had no right inserting myself in family drama, and if the I heard one of Cassidy’s friends spread the rumour it would have been fine, but since I thought it was her, I should have gone to Layla first, not Cassidy. She was yelling so loud and for so long teachers got involved and tried to set up meetings for us and potentially our parents as well, but I said it wasn’t necessary.

I apologised to Layla for causing family drama, but said I didn’t feel bad for telling Cassidy what was being said about her, because I thought she deserved to find out as soon as possible. Layla said I wasn’t Cassidy’s friend, and not to see her, talk to her, or message her again.

Even so, I messaged Cassidy an apology for starting family drama, which I am genuinely sorry for. She hasn’t responded, and I don’t expect her to. But even so, I don’t think I was TA for telling Cassidy there was a pregnancy rumour about her. EDIT for clarity: Cassidy is not pregnant and Layla said she didn’t start it or tell anyone.

The internet had plenty to say in response.

younggod9 wrote:

NTA. You heard a rumor about someone and let them know simple as that. If Layla didn’t want family drama maybe she shouldn’t have been running her mouth. Her reaction is over the top and that’s not your problem.

OP responded:

Layla said she hadn't started the rumour, which I should have said was false.

fckinsleepless wrote:

NTA. You did the right thing. I highly doubt there is “family drama” too. More likely, Cassidy told their parents and Layla got in trouble for it. Layla is just mad she’s been caught.

Perfect-War713 wrote:

INFO - Why is the family blaming Cassidy for rumors being spread about her being pregnant? That doesn't make any sense.

OP responded:

I don’t know, but I do know that their family is religious, not sure how religious though.

a--ho69 wrote:

NTA – You didn’t do anything malicious by informing Cassidy about the rumour, and you acted with good intentions. You were concerned for her, and I understand why you’d want to make sure she knew what was being said behind her back.

While Layla might have felt protective of her sister, it’s understandable that you wanted to ensure Cassidy was aware of the situation, especially when the rumour wasn’t true. The issue seems to be more about how things were handled after, but your actions were motivated by care. You apologized where necessary and didn’t mean for things to escalate.

mumtaz2004 wrote:

I don’t see how you’re the AH here. If I were Cassidy, I’d certainly want to know that such a rumor was going around about me. I don’t understand why or how this created drama at home for Cassidy and Layla-I suspect there is a lot going in behind the scenes that you are not privy to.

The fact that Layla responded as she did makes me think she was more involved than she has admitted to. And, quite possibly, there may be more truth to this story that Layla or Cassidy have admitted to. Regardless, not your business. You have done your due diligence. Leave it, and Cassidy and Layla, alone going forward. NTA.

NCKALA wrote:

NTA. You did the right thing, IMO. Layla got caught for lying and is taking it out on you, that is on her. I bet that You would have wanted someone to do the same for you (I sure would!). I know it hurts for all this drama and the accusations so I am sending a gentle hug to you.

You apologized. And I am glad you do not feel bad, you should not feel bad, not at all! You did not "insert yourself in family drama", you simply notified someone a dangerous rumor was being spread about them.

lightworker8 wrote:

NTA. It sounds like Layla did start the rumor and thought she was safe because Cassidy didn't attend the school anymore. I don't know why she would but it definitely sounds suspicious by her reaction. No one gets that upset if they weren't involved.

Sis should have been happy that you reached out because that's her SISTER and you don't want anyone bad nothing your sister. It sounds like there's some other family drama going on at their home. You did nothing wrong. I most certainly would want to know if rumors were going on about me.

Sources: Reddit
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