Okay, so here’s the situation. A few months ago, my sister Emma and I inherited a country house from our grandfather. It’s a nice house, but it’s in a remote area, and neither of us live close enough to take care of it.
Plus, it would’ve been a huge strain on us to pay for taxes, maintenance, and all that. We both agreed that selling it and splitting the money was the most sensible option. We weren’t attached to the place and figured it would be better off in someone else’s hands.
But then, out of nowhere, Emma decides she doesn’t want to sell anymore. She says the house has “sentimental value” and that it’s “part of our family’s legacy.” Which, okay, I get it, but this house wasn’t even something we grew up in. Our grandfather had been living there alone for years, and we barely spent any time there.
It didn’t feel like “home” to either of us. So, I was caught off guard when she suddenly changed her mind. I told her that if she really wanted to keep it, I’d be okay with that, but I’d need her to buy me out. I’m not asking for some crazy amount, just what’s fair. Half the value of the house. She totally flipped out.
She said I was being selfish, that I was all about the money, and that “family should stick together.” It felt like she was guilt-tripping me into just giving up my share for nothing. Honestly, I was just trying to be reasonable. If she wants to keep the house, then she should take on the responsibility of it, including paying for it. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
But she’s adamant that she won’t pay me out, and now she’s acting like I’m some kind of villain. It’s gotten really heated, and now our parents are involved, trying to “mediate” the situation, but they’re mostly just telling me I should let it go because “it’s just a house” and “family is more important than money.”
I get what they’re saying, but I don’t think I should just walk away from something that’s mine. So, AITA for standing my ground and demanding my half of the house, even if it’s causing all this drama with my sister?
StorageCrazy2539 wrote:
No you're absolutely right. Why would you give up your part of the inheritance? That's crazy and it's crazy your parents don't get that.
OP responded:
I don't know what's on there mind! I only want my fair share of the house nothing more.
New-Number-7810 wrote:
NTA. If you give your sister full ownership, she’s going to turn around and sell it. She’s trying to sucker you out of your inheritance.
OP responded:
She won't get full ownership till I get my share paid out from here.
Beginning_Document86 wrote:
It’s just bricks a mortar. Sell it. No one wants to “preserve” it. Get as much as you can out of a dead man’s existence. He’s not coming back.
OP responded:
We don't have any sentimental value to this house and the cost of keeping that house and repairing it would be a to big burden on me financially, my sister also won't be able to afford all those expenses but it's here choice to keep the house i only want my fair share of it nothing more.
grayblue_grrrl wrote:
She'll sell it immediately after you sign off on it. Then she will have ALL the money. Have a professional assessment done of the house. Let her know if she wants to go to court over it, she will have to buy you out, or you will be forced to sell the house and split the money.
But with lawyers fees included. For everyone else - “it’s just a house” and “family is more important than money.” - they can help her buy you out. It's that easy. NTA.
RedneckDebutante wrote:
NTA. Tell your family, "It's just a house. Why is she choosing it over her family?" Don't give in. She has to buy you out if she wants to keep it. Do you think she might be planning to rent it out with Airbnb or something? At the very least, some people get an ego boost by offering their "vacation home" for status.
ZCT808 wrote:
As so often happens, when someone passes away, some people think that family drama is the necessary next step. You each inherited half a house. Neither of you care about it especially, it has no real use to you, so you sell it, and use the money wisely.
So simple a small child could understand. Out of nowhere your sister basically demands to keep it and con you out of your half of it, and then tries to play the blame game, family card, and using family members to leverage you into just letting her steal half of it.
Most of us would like to have various random properties, that we could just visit on a whim and be independently wealthy. But life isn’t like that for most of us. If she wants the whole house, her only option is to buy out your half of it.
Pure and simple. And your parents are being ridiculous for even entertaining siding with her. And for her to be so selfish and so unreasonable, and have the balls to call YOU out for YOUR greed is extraordinary. There is no scenario where you should back down here. And if she truly loved you, cared about you as family, then SHE would not be creating all this drama.
The house needs to be sold, either to some third party, or by her buying out your half of it. End of story. Also, I’d venture that if you give her an inch on this, discount it, offer to let her buy it out for less than half it is worth or any other deal, she absolutely will exploit that. So you must stand firm.