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'AITA for getting our own hotel room after our friends expected us to sleep on bunk beds?'

'AITA for getting our own hotel room after our friends expected us to sleep on bunk beds?'

"AITA for getting our own hotel room after our friends expected us to sleep on bunk beds?"

So basically my (26F) and my boyfriend (27M) went to Orlando (Universal) for a weekend for one of our friend's birthdays. Three couples in total. Let me preface this by saying that there were TWO rooms. One room had 2 queen sized beds in it and the other had just one bed. Obviously birthday girl and her boyfriend slept in the one room.

And her boyfriend’s brother and his girlfriend were going to stay in the other room with my boyfriend and myself. This was planned beforehand. As soon as we got to the hotel, my boyfriend and I were checking out the room and I said “So which bed do you guys want?”

And the brother said “What? No way” and claimed the ENTIRE double room, basically implying that he wanted privacy to bang his girlfriend all weekend. I said “Wait a min, where are we supposed to sleep?” They said “the bunk beds in the hallway.”

I didn’t even notice them but basically there were two twin sized bunk beds in the tightest squeeze of a hallway and they expected us to sleep on those when there was a perfectly sized Queen bed in one of the rooms. I would have fit on one perfectly fine because I’m small but my boyfriend would have definitely been uncomfortable.

We also would have had to share the bathroom, which was inside their room, so how would we go about using it in the middle of the night with their door locked, or in the morning waiting for them to wake up? Mind you I’ve been on vacation multiple times with many friends and we’ve always shared rooms, couples and everything, so this threw me off.

If a couple needed privacy, we’d let them be for a bit and just hang out in the living room. Also you really can’t spend two days without s-x?!?! I thought about it and I just decided to get our own room. This put a damper on the whole vacation because birthday girl wanted us all to be together and my boyfriend, though he stood by me publicly, later told me I was being an ahole. So...was I the AH?

Commenters had a lot to say in response.

Far_Quantity_6133 wrote:

NTA. Claiming the room with two beds just so you can have fun at the expense of a whole other couple on vacation with you is really entitled. You shouldn’t be expected to sleep in bunk beds when there are two perfectly good queen sized beds available.

OP responded:

Exactly like, what?! And then expect us to chip in for the room. LOL.

5GofProtein wrote:

NTA. Your friends and even your boyfriend is being an AH. If they wanted you to be there then they should have made sure you were comfortable instead of expecting you to sleep in bunk beds in a hallway. S-t, I'd have went home.

OP responded:

I was genuinely pissed off for a good 30 min and I can’t hide my emotions very well so it showed all over my face. Although I was talking, checking out the views and stuff with them, they definitely could tell I was mad lol.

RB1327 wrote:

NTA. But how hard is it to discuss these kind of details prior to booking lodging?

Three couples in two rooms just seems like a ridiculous way to save a few dollars. You're not 20yo college kids at spring break, you're adult couples in your late twenties.

OP responded:

We did discuss beforehand. I added it up there towards the beginning. Two couples in one room, 1 couple in the other.

Yes we’re older, but exactly, we’re all grown adults and I thought no one would have a problem with it until lo and behold, we find out the day of while we’re already checked in, that they did indeed have a problem with it. I didn’t plan it, the birthday girl did. I already knew what to expect until I didn’t.

Shitsuri wrote:

NTA. I can't imagine claiming a room with two beds just to (maybe) bang my partner. Obviously that should've been ironed out in advance and you weren't wrong to think three beds would mean each of the three couples got a bed, imo. I'm confused why your bf thinks you were the asshole if he went along with getting another room.

extint_diplodocus wrote:

NTA. If the brother thought the bunk beds were adequate, brother should have been given the bunk beds.

If birthday girl didn't want you in a hotel, she should have nipped her brother's sense of entitlement in the bud. How does he get to claim the entire room and exile you? If you knew in advance that brother would claim the only remaining room, you'd have had time to skip the trip altogether.

Arletarose wrote:

NTA- It's not your fault they changed their mind last minute about sharing the room. I'd get a new room too. The brother is an AH. I hope you didnt pay for the original accomadations.

OP responded:

We did not.

HereComeTheSquirrels wrote:

NTA. Bunk beds when there's a perfectly functioning spare queen in the room?! Everyone who disagrees can take a hike. Also it's a holiday, nothing prevents you hanging out in each other's room while people are awake. Especially to spring it after checking in. If sharing a room would be an issue, the time to raise it would be before booking anything.

notbadforaquadruped wrote:

They expected you to chip in for a hotel room you weren't allowed to use?? F-k that. Hell no.

What kind of f-king hotel has people sleep on bunk beds in the hallway??

OP responded:

CHILDREN. They wanted us to sleep on CHILDREN’S beds.

sidewaysorange wrote:

NTA and this is why as an adult I always get my own hotel room and do not share with other people. If I can't afford my own hotel room then I can't afford the trips. It's either AirBnB with your own bedroom or your own hotel rooms. Why didn't you all just stay off property and rent an airbnb? universal isn't a walkable resort unless you're staying at the hardrock anyways.

Sources: Reddit
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