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'AITA for getting up from the table when my mom said I had to share dinner with my sister?'

'AITA for getting up from the table when my mom said I had to share dinner with my sister?'

"AITA for getting up from the table when my mom said I had to share dinner with my sister?"

For some context: my sister is eight years younger than me. I'm nineteen and she's eleven. We have always had quarries over personal space and items, specially food (bc little kids always want what you have even if they have their own) so I've always been kinda greedy regarding my stuff, as I don't ask anyone for anything and I don't like being asked for anything.

So, last weekend my mom bought some sushi for dinner, and I got home late from work, hoping to have some leftovers of that for dinner.

To my surprise, she said they didn't leave any for me cause earlier in the day, she had bought me some lunch, so I shouldn't be hungry by the time I arrived home. (I ate at 1pm. And left work at about 11pm. At night) So today, she bought sushi again, cause I asked her to, since I felt annoyed they left me out last weekend

Long story short, she said I'd have to share it with my sister (even if she had some last time and didn't leave any for me) and got annoyed when I asked her if I really had to. I got upset and said I wasn't hungry anymore. So, am I the a-hole for that? It made me feel crappy either way, dude.

People online were opinionated about the situation.

CuriousEmphasis7698 wrote:

I'm going with NTA here. OP was deliberately left out of a treat because someone decided (with out asking her) that she either didn't need, or wouldn't want to share in the treat.

OP then asked that she be given some of the special food to make up for being left out, and based on OP's comments it was a small 12-piece tray, and then was told she had to give some to her sister (who presumably already had some when the rest of the family had the treat that OP was left out of).

OP was not unreasonable to expect she'd be allowed to eat food that was gotten for her because her family chose to leave her out previously, and being pissed when this wasn't the case.

threebecomeone wrote:

NTA. This doesn’t sound like it’s only about the sushi. Sounds like OP has deep resentment from years of being told to share but then not being shared with. If your mom bought the sushi for you, you should get to enjoy it. 12 rolls can be a portion of a meal so to spilt it is not going to be enough food. OP you need to talk to mom about the overall feelings of not being allowed your own things.

lostboyslife wrote:

Do people in this thread just not have families or what? Do none of you have family members who love you? Was no one taught manners or empathy??? OP is 19, sure, technically a legal adult, but come on! This is their mother! All of you asking if they paid their mom back for buying food? Really? And telling OP, "You're an adult, act like it!" as though you've never been a teenager in your life...

19 year olds are still teenagers and don't automatically know how to behave like an adult. Also why would you expect a 19 year old to share their one meal with a child? Don't treat someone and then force them to give it away. OP, NTA. I hope you're saving to get out of this unhealthy dynamic.

Crafty_Special_7052 wrote:

NTA first doesn’t your mom realize people normally eat three meals a day? It doesn’t make sense of why should would think you wouldn’t be hungry for dinner just because you had lunch. At this point since your mom is being very s--ty. Buy your own food then your mom can’t make you share your food with your sister.

kade_v0id wrote:

Honestly NTA. I'm the oldest out of my mom’s kids. I'm 9 years older than my sister and I went through the same issues, especially with getting off of work and not having any leftovers. It’s not unreasonable at all to not want to share, especially since you didn’t even get a chance to have any sushi the night before.

Wanderluster621 wrote:

NTA, but you should think about moving out. Anyone you know that you could be roommates with that won't eat all the sushi?

OP responded:

Yeah! Honestly I've been saving up for moving out, at least.

Outrageous_forest wrote:

You have every right to be upset, but next time just say "yes yes", then continue to eat. If it's all gone "sorry i was starving." Why isn't your mom buying enough for everyone? Your mom had lunch around noon, then 7 hours later she eats again because she's how does she justify you should not be hungry 11 hours after lunch when you get home from work?

Your sister sounds spoiled and the favorite. Are you going to college or trade school? Then you may need to put up with this a bit longer. If you only work, can you afford your own place or a place with a roommate? Start saving money so you can move out. That's the only way you don't have to keep sharing your food or being excluded. NTA.

Sources: Reddit
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