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'AITA if I refuse to pay my nail tech’s $65 cancellation fee? I didn't even know about it.'

'AITA if I refuse to pay my nail tech’s $65 cancellation fee? I didn't even know about it.'


"AITA if I refuse to pay my nail tech’s $65 cancellation fee?"

So, long story short, I’ve been going to my nail tech for over 5 years. We’ve become really good friends and have even hung out outside of work. I’ve consistently been her client through two studio changes, during the pandemic when she worked from home, and again this past year when she decided not to have a studio anymore.

Despite the friendship, I’ve always respected her business. I tip every time and treat it like any other nail salon. In over 5 years, I’ve probably had to reschedule a total of 5 or 6 times, only half of those within a day or two of the appointment, but always with more than 24 hours’ notice.

At my last appointment, she mentioned she had booked my recurring slot for December 24th, Christmas Eve, at 6:30 PM. My recurring appointments are usually at 6:30 PM after work. I’ll be honest—I was a bit surprised because I assumed appointments would be pushed back to after the holiday.

She told me she didn’t have plans for Christmas Eve, so she was still working. I expressed some concern about being able to make it since there was talk of a family Christmas Eve dinner (which I let her know). We talked about moving the appointment to 5 PM, but she couldn’t. It ended with me saying I think I can make it. Flash forward to December 23rd—I get confirmation the dinner is happening.

At 2:30 PM, I texted her saying I’m sorry but I won’t be able to make it. I asked her if she could please move the appointment to after Christmas, giving more than 24 hours’ notice. She responded offering a 12:15 PM slot that day, but I let her know I couldn’t take it because I was working. After that, just radio silence for 2 weeks. I followed up again and still got no response.

Then finally today, she sends this message: “OMG SO SORRY I told you I’m terrible about checking my texts—you HAAAVE to DM for me to see it. What do you meeeaaaann double move."

"And uhhhhh so awkward part. Remember when we confirmed your recurring? I did inform everyone these appointments would be on Christmas Eve, so I had to be really strict with my cancellation policy. So your last appointment missed was on Christmas Eve. I do need to ask for that $65 fee whenever you’re ready. Sorry, I HATE this part of my job, especially when it comes to friends.”

A few things about this don’t make sense:

I told her I might not be able to make it. I’ll own that I said, “I think I can,” but it wasn’t certain.

Texting has always been our primary communication. I’ve never once sent her a DM in the 5 years I’ve known her.

She didn’t mention any policy when I asked to reschedule. She’s never told me about this policy, and it’s not posted anywhere. I still don’t even know what it is. My understanding is that 24-hour notice is standard in the beauty industry and doesn’t incur fees, let alone the full appointment cost.

There have been other times where I’ve felt taken advantage of because of our friendship: appointments starting late (sometimes over 40 minutes) and questionable safety practices since she moved her studio back to her mom’s house, like reusing drill bits, unsterilized tools, and old nail files.

I’ve been a loyal client for over 5 years and have always supported her business, but I feel like this has gone too far. AITA if I refuse to pay the $65 cancellation fee?

Comments quickly came flowing in.

Safe_Perspective9633 wrote:

Get a new nail technician and a new friend. This is sketchy business practices. Do NOT pay her a single cent. You cancelled the appointment within 24 hours. You have the text messages as proof, so she can't take you to court or anything over it.

dreamyverax wrote:


A loyal 5-year client shouldn't be blindsided by an unposted cancellation policy, especially when you gave over 24 hours' notice and consistently supported her business despite questionable practices.

OP responded:

Would you respond to her last text? Or just say nothing and stop going to her? I’m currently still booked for reoccurring appointments a year out.

calminthedark wrote:

NTA. What double cancellation? You gave over 24 hours notice on the appointment you had and did not confirm a 12:15 you were offered. Not your fault she didn't check the means by which she offered the 12:15 and thus did not realize you never accepted.

She responded by text, she offered a new time by text and now wants to penalize you for not sending a DM instead of a text to decline an offer she made (again) by text. Nope, that's on her.

Fun-Mountain4641 wrote:


If she doesn't have a policy up, you don't have legal or ethical reasons to pay.

Her follow up is very unprofessional and, really, not very friendly. Just weird.

Especially with the unsanitary practices - which could cost u a lot more than $65 if an infection happens - I'd be moving on. She can decide if she wants to continue the friendship, but I'd personally expect her to take more accountability before looking at her as more than a friendly acquaintance.

Tallrelationship2253 wrote:

Giving more than 24 hours notice is plenty. And not to have flexibility for a reliable 5 year client is unheard of. I would absolutely not pay that cancellation fee. And I would use it as an excuse to go find a new nail tech with better hygiene habits. You've been putting up with subpar service for too long as it is.

survive1014 wrote:

My old barbershop tried to do this to me. My mother was going into the ER with some serious issues and I needed to cancel (rescheduling once I new what was going on). I politely, but firmly, told them no I would not be paying a cancellation fee. They said no exceptions.

I told them I would not be returning ever and that it was sad they couldnt make a exception for a legitimate medical emergency. Found a new barbershop a few days later. The old barbershop ended up closing about a year after that incident.

Readsumthing wrote:

NTA. No, and others have given you excellent examples of texts or DMs if you want to be petty and won’t have to see her again. However, as someone who did nails for 30 years and always exceeded State Board sanitation requirements, you should have found someone else long ago!

Dirty implements? Reusing files and bits?!!? Do you know how long Hep C can live on the surface of things? Up to 30 DAYS! There are terrific sources of AFFORDABLE disposable files. There have been for years! And not sanitizing, then disinfecting her implements? That’s just lazy. A tech that lazy, that corner cutting isn’t to be trusted!

Sources: Reddit
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