So basically the title, we got puppies I love them but they are a lot. Very busy bees and it's been a minute since I've done the puppy thing and never two together its been an adjustment. We discussed before hand and I had very specific conditions, namely regular walks and we had to commit to training so they'd be well adjusted and we could travel with them easily.
My partner was very on board so we adopted towards the end of last year and started puppy classes within a week. Our initial puppy coarse was 6 weeks long and by week 4 they were miffed about going and "sacrificing" their Saturday mornings. By the last week they were glad it was "finally" over, I took over doing the homework with both pups by week 4 because it irritated them.
The pups weren't picking things up fast enough for them so I thought it would be better for the pups for me to take over. They did 1 walk and complained because the puppy was weaving around and not walking at heel properly so I've taken over those as well, we have started basically obedience now and I'm training both.
There are alot of other examples should anyone want more info but essentially partner is now broody and wants a baby. WIBTA if I pointed out they couldn't make it through a 6 week puppy class coarse how on earth would they manage a baby?
gelfbo wrote:
NTA. But missing context of your age and relationship. Babies are different, I have successfully raised three humans and completely failed in training one dog.
Long story I won’t go in to but I’m looking at you sideways thinking who really wanted the puppies? Was it both of you or did they try to support your puppy ambition? From a ,I really love my dog but confirmed cat person, married to a but married to a dog person.
Famous_Account272 wrote:
Meh - I've raised 2 babies and 3 puppies. I will take the babies over the puppies any day! The last puppy we raised was in 2019, it was a massive shock to the system and has converted me to older rescues for life. However in this situation both myself and my husband were committed to both and no one flaked out.
The puppies were way more intensive but it was for a lot less time, babies aren't quite as intense and slot into life a little more easily but it's essentially an 18 year commitment of appointments, meetings, drop offs, pick ups and sacrificing your evenings and weekends with no get out because a lot of it has legal repercussions.
Personally I wouldn't point out that your partner shouldn't be responsible for a pebble let alone a living being but I would be considering my future with them if this is how they deal with something that is solely reliant on them for its survival.
Ippus_21 wrote:
NTA. Your trial run with the pups has shown you exactly how your partner handles stress and responsibility.
As someone with both well-behaved dogs and human teenage children, can 100% confirm that kids are 1000x more work than puppies (they can't even fkn toilet themselves for the first 3 years or so, ffs). And that responsibility lasts (at minimum) 18 years. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you seriously consider having a child with this person.
They couldn't handle 6 weeks of puppy class, plus follow-up and basic care thereafter; how in the name of Zeus's BUTTHOLE are they going to manage 6-12 months of nighttime feedings, short sleep, 3-4 years of changing diapers, doing extra laundry, never sleeping in again, etc. Make sure you end up with the pups when you leave, or they're liable not to be properly cared for.
DemenTEDBundy85 wrote:
NTA, an infant is 24/7 and two-year-olds are busy. Your significant other has no clue what it takes to have a baby and if animals are taxing on his patience a baby will be too. Maybe he should just permanently stick to fish. I wouldn't be on board to have a baby with someone who bails and leaves me to suffer alone .
Faithlessnessflat514 wrote:
NTA, you are correct and also, in my experience they won't behave for them if they doesn't put any work into training. If they know that your partner will get exasperated and give up, they will run roughshod over them while being perfect angels for you.
And the same goes for kids. Lots of "but she's better for you" and "but you're better at changing diapers" and "he just wanted mom/dad" in your future with this partner.
GSTLT wrote:
Wait til they meet a toddler. 😆🤣😭
I have almost a decade of experience as a pre-school teacher and it’s still doesn’t prepare you for 24/7 parenthood. NTA, but there’s much bigger issues at play than whether it would be mean to say that or not.
OriginalShallot8187 wrote:
This is a legitimate case for wanting a baby, but not accepting how much work they are. With a puppy you can absolutely do the labor it takes to maintain them 50/50. But I bet you anything that when an actual baby is involved, you would be expected to shoulder 80% of the workload with it.
Babies are WORK. Sleepless nights, ZERO social life when they get to actually walking, changing your furniture and turning your home into a child-free zone, spending all the fun money on diapers/formula/clothing/baby needs. You should really rethink this whole thing.