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'AITA for refusing to help my friend move after they ditched me on a road trip?'

'AITA for refusing to help my friend move after they ditched me on a road trip?'


"AITA for refusing to help my friend move after they ditched me on a road trip?"

So, a few months ago, my friend Sarah and I planned a road trip together. It was supposed to be a fun weekend getaway that we had been talking about for months. I took a day off from work, rearranged some plans, and even paid for a few things ahead of time like snacks, gas, and accommodation.

On the day of the trip, Sarah bailed last minute, saying something came up with her family, which I totally understood at first. But then, a mutual friend posted on social media that Sarah had gone to a different city with another group of friends the same weekend.

I was pretty hurt, but I didn’t say anything at the time.

Now, Sarah is moving to a new apartment and asked me to help her out with packing and moving furniture.

She knows I have a truck and figured I could make the process a lot easier. I told her no, saying I was still upset about what happened with the road trip. She seemed shocked and said that I was being petty over something that happened months ago. She claims the other trip wasn’t planned and just came together at the last minute, and she didn’t think it was a big deal. AITAH?

The internet was quick to share their thoughts.

Pretend-Pint wrote:


"She claims the other trip wasn’t planned and just came together at the last minute, and she didn’t think it was a big deal."

Petty me would have told her I'd help and bail on her the morning of her moving. "Sorry, there was an other unplanned move I'd rather help. Why do you make such a fuss, I thought ditching someone with no notice was no big deal for you." /mic drop /block.

kfrostborne wrote:

Nope, you’re NTA. Knowing you have a truck and asking for help moving is a big favors to ask. She blew you off before, sure. But you’re also allowed to say no if it’s not something you feel compelled to do. I’m assuming she didn’t apologize?

OP responded:

Nope she never did apologize.

ParagonofAdequacy wrote:


If you had wanted to be really petty, you could have agreed to help, then cancelled the morning of.

MrsNoBodyspecial67 wrote:

Definitely NTA, and not petty. She bailed on you and a trip you had planned for months, for a last minute trip. Screw her and move on from that friendship. She will never put you before other friends and she will always use you for what you have. Find a different friend that understands what friendship is.

Tangerine_bouquet wrote:

NTA because you aren't obligated to help her move and she sounds like she flakes on you whenever she feels like it. You can tell her something unplanned came together for that weekend, so you aren't available. That's not petty, that's karma. I will say I read the title as ditched during a road trip, which would have been a lot worse! But you don't owe her your truck.

ensignlee wrote:

NTA, clearly.

You only ask CLOSE FRIENDS to help you move, and even then, you should be accepting when they say 'no, sorry. that doesn't sound fun.'

Regular_Boot_3540 wrote:

NTA. She prioritized other friends over you, and she wants you to invest your time, effort, and the use of your truck to help her? Screw that. She can rent a truck and get those other friends to help her.

Odd-End-1405 wrote:


But in the future, if you want to avoid unnecessary drama, just say NO. It is a complete sentence.

You don't need to provide reasons why you don't want to assist her move.

Now she is playing the victim, even though she showed you that you are the "if nothing better comes along" friend. Remember this.

ReviewOk929 wrote:


"A mutual friend posted on social media that Sarah had gone to a different city with another group of friends the same weekend."

For clarity this person is not your friend

She lied to you

She didn't have the courtesy to lie with sufficient time

She doesn't see lying about a family thing when it was ditching you for other friends as a big deal

She doesn't sound great

Honestly who cares what someone like this thinks, move on with your life and ditch this person

Sources: Reddit
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