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'AITA for refusing to help my roommate pay for a broken TV because I wasn’t home when it happened?'

'AITA for refusing to help my roommate pay for a broken TV because I wasn’t home when it happened?'

"AITAH for refusing to help my roommate pay for a broken TV because I wasn’t home when it happened?"

I (22F) live with two roommates (both 23F) and we usually get along pretty well. Last weekend, I went out of town to visit my family, and when I got back, I found our living room TV completely smashed.

Apparently, one of my roommates’ friends got a little too wasted during a small party they had while I was away, and they somehow knocked it off the stand. Now, both of my roommates are asking me to pitch in to buy a new TV, because we all use it and "we're a household."

But I wasn’t even there! I feel like it’s unfair to ask me to pay for something that happened while I wasn’t involved, especially since it was their friend who broke it. I’ve offered to help them talk to their friend about paying for it, but they’re saying it’s easier if we all just split it.

I get that it sucks to deal with this, but I really don’t think I should be on the hook for something I had nothing to do with. Now things are tense between us, and I’m wondering if I’m being stubborn. AITAH for refusing to chip in?

The commenters had a lot to say in response.

ValuableMine9 wrote:

NTA, why isn't the person who broke it replacing it? Or at very least contributing to the cost. I don't see why you should be expected to pay.

OP responded:

That’s what I’ve been asking! It’s their friend who broke it, so he should at least be responsible for paying, not me.

Ok-Horror-1049 wrote:

NTA. The friend who broke the TV should be paying for it.

OP responded:

Exactly! I told my roommates the same thing. Their friend broke it, so they should be the ones asking him to pay, not me.

That-Razzmatazz-7522 wrote:

NTA. The dr-nk friend should be paying the whole amount.

OP responded:

Agreed. It doesn’t seem fair that I should cover anything when I wasn’t even there, and their friend is the one who caused the damage.

MrsNobodySpecial wrote:

NTA. But it would be nice if you did since you probably use it. However, I would make them think a bit before you offer any money.. Ask who takes it with them when we move out??

Whoever takes it should pay for more than half and figure your share as rent for the rest of your living together time. But put a cap on the cost. Personally I am with you the guy that broke it needs to chip in for the cost of replacing the TV and depending on where you are you all can sue him for the cost.

That might be your best suggestion, "I will help pay if we make the who broke it pay us back". Then whoever owned the original TV gets to take the new one. If they are not up for that, then you do what is best for you, but just know it will be a very unhappy living experience until you move out, unfortunately. I am sorry for you!

OP responded:

I hadn’t thought about that! I might suggest going after the guy who broke it and then deciding who takes the new TV based on who paid the most.

Ben_Lahnger wrote:

I think you needed a roommate contract that states that the individual roommates are 100% responsible for recovering any damage caused by THEIR friends while they are visiting the household. Even without that agreement in place, I would stand my ground and tell your roommates that they made the decision to have people over to drink, they alone are responsible for repairing the damage.

Refuse to pay. Make it clear that you expected that TV to work for years, and if you had been involved in party planning you would have all gone out and would still have a working TV. Since THEY deprived you of that working TV, you expect THEM ALONE to pay for a new one. Honestly, their logic sounds like some con artist's scammer bullshit. Shalom.

1962Michael wrote:

NTA. The person who broke the TV should pay for the damage. If it was an older TV, then maybe not full replacement value. If the people who hosted the party (1 or both roommates) don't want to ask the person, then it is up to them to replace the TV. They invited the person, not you, so it's their responsibility.

HOWEVER, you called it "our TV" and I assume it wasn't YOURS, or you would have called it that. Did you all pitch in 1/3 to buy it for the apartment? If so they should replace it. If it was originally one of theirs, then they don't have to provide you with a TV to use.

jamflam01 wrote:

No, whoever owns the TV needs to go to the drunk friend and ask for payment. If they refuse then that is what small claims court is for. How can 3 roommates split a tv they all paid for when yall move out? This argument would just come up again then. Only 1 person should pay for this broken tv, and that’s who broke it.

jellybeanguy wrote:

"It's easier for us to pitch in and replace it ourselves" well then THEY can do that but you aren't responsible here. You've offered to help talk with the friend but if they don't want to they can deal with the consequences of that. Or they can reach out to this friend to cover your part of the "pitching in."

Sources: Reddit
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