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"AITA for telling my BF's aunt I could report her after she stole my Coachella ticket?"

"AITA for telling my BF's aunt I could report her after she stole my Coachella ticket?"

"AITA for telling my BF's aunt I could call the cops on her after she stole my Coachella ticket?"

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 years and have known his aunt throughout those years. We were actually pretty close. She now lives with his parents bc she cheated on her husband, the new bf now lives there too. We moved to an apartment but still get our items shipped to our parents since our place is sketchy.

I had bought Coachella tickets and it was sent to his house. Well, 2 weeks before Coachella the person I was going to Coachella with got C0VID and so we decided to sell our tickets. Only problem is, my ticket never came. we kept asking everyone who lived at the house for weeks if they had seen the package to which they said no. We searched the living room and kitchen but nothing came up.

A month prior to this, his aunt had told his mom that she was selling Coachella tickets that her BF had gotten from his niece. It never crossed my mind that this ticket was mine. I was starting to get stressed bc the ticket was $600 and I was about to have to drive to the venue to pick up my ticket and go to the concert alone.

The DAY before Coachella my BF's aunt confesses. Her bf had stolen my ticket and had been trying to sell it off. His aunt tried to say she had no idea it was my ticket bc the package had no name, this is a lie. Once I hear about it I immediately start shaking and sobbing feeling betrayed and that we stressed out over nothing.

Since they probably already sold the ticket I couldn’t even go to Coachella. My bf called his mom to tell her how f--ked up this is and his parents agree. She never apologizes just kept up her lies and excuses. I was so fed up that I said “you know it’s illegal to steal other people's mail, I could go to the police about this”. This upset his aunt and I felt bad about this.

My BF said the right thing to do is for my aunt to send us the $600.

We haven’t talked about this incident since with them but I know they talk about me to their whole family bc that’s what they do. When I go to his family parties I just stay quiet and act friendly.

I’m an extremely sensitive person and the thing that hurt the most about this situation is that someone close to me could lie and betray me like that after seeing how stressed me and her nephew was. I feel like TA bc I’ve created a rift between him and his ex-favorite aunt. I still feel guilty. Did I overreact? Did I mess up his relationship with his family?

The internet had a lot of thoughts about the situation.

bujomomo wrote:

Definitely NTA. The aunt owes you $600 and an actual apology. I thought she confessed anyway. Am I missing something?

OP responded:

She never apologized. She confessed but it was more like she said it had slipped her mind. She said she didn’t know it was my ticket and played it off as a misunderstanding but I knew she was lying bc of her past actions.

I couldn’t get into it but basically she lies quite a bit and always plays a victim which is why I brought up that she cheated bc it definitely helps describe her character. I do feel bad for her in some aspects and she’s always been a great aunt to my BF which is why I feel guilty about everything. I felt like I blew it out of proportion ://

Netflickingthebean wrote:

NTA. Tell them they owe you the ticket, the $600, or you'll file a report.

OP responded:

Thanks for the reply! Idk if I could go far enough to report it. She said she would give me back the ticket but never did. His mom ended up paying the $600 which I also felt awful about. She said she would pay her back but idk if that true.

Aromatic_recipe1749 wrote:

You need help, serious help. How can you in any way be wrong or “overreacting”?? These people stole your mail, a federal crime! They tried to sell your ticket, a ticket you paid $600 for. You should call the cops. These people are cr-minals.

lurninandlurkin wrote:


It sounds like where you get your mail sent is also sketchy. Report the theft and get a private mail box for your mail to be delivered to.

Jenicillin wrote:

You should be able to go to the venue, you said you were thinking about driving there. Do it. You can prove it was your ticket, they can issue a new physical one. If you're lucky they will then flag the other ticket as invalid.

Sources: Reddit
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