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'AITA for telling an acquaintance I don’t really give a crap about their kids?'

'AITA for telling an acquaintance I don’t really give a crap about their kids?'


"AITA for telling an acquaintance I don’t really give a sh-t about their kids?"

At a bar with friends. All sitting around a table. All in our 30s. We do this like once or twice a month. There is a woman I’ll name Joan who is a new GF of one of my friends. She has kids from a previous marriage and they are doing well together.

Now I have a dog right now, not kids. Whenever I tell a story about the dog this tw@t just always rolls her eyes and tries to change the subject to her children or children in general. The other night I called her out on this, asking why dude always seems to not want to listen to a funny dog story.

“I just don’t really care much about dogs”

“I don’t really care much about your kids but I considerately listen to your stories, regardless.”

She kinda gasped like I just called her the C word. Like me saying that was some horrible thing for a person to say. Needless to say things got awkward and my wife and I left like ten minutes after that conversation. My friends are split. Some say I could have phrased it better. I dunno. AITA?

The internet kept it real in the comment section.

HolsMGamer wrote:

NTA. You didn't use foul language or anything, you just called out her crappy behavior.

OP responded:

I wanted to say “sh-ty kids” but that definitely would have made me the AH.

peony-pony wrote:

NTA. "Now I have a dog right now, not kids. Whenever I tell a story about the dog this twat just always rolls her eyes and tries to change the subject to her children or children in general. The other night I called her out on this, asking why dude always seems to not want to listen to a funny dog story."

“I just don’t really care much about dogs”

“I don’t really care much about your kids but I considerately listen to your stories, regardless ”

You were polite and honest. You didn't say anything disparaging. You merely pointed out you had no real interest in hearing about the antics of her little blessings but listen respectfully when she speaks.

redditordeaditor6789 wrote:

Nta but to be fair the people without dogs or kids could find you both insufferable. Sometimes dog owners can be annoying about it like parents can be.

OP responded:

Oh I’m sure everyone is insufferable to someone.

Datura_Rose wrote:

NTA. She has been rude by rolling her eyes and changing the subject back to her kids. You were blunt, but not rude. Yes, you could have been less direct, but I don't think you did anything wrong. She needs to learn how to listen to what other people have to say and not just talk about herself all the time. That's how adult relationships work.

Urbanyeti0 wrote:

NTA as a fellow pet owner / kid free adult I fully sympathise. It’s always an interesting dynamic when there are parents who’s entire life is “my spawn did this thing that we’ve all done ourselves in our youth” and we’re supposed to all pretend that Timmy’s finger painting is signs he’ll be the next Picasso.

But if you want to talk about your pet it’s somehow a ridiculous topic of conversation just enjoy the knowledge that they’re likely just jealous of your continued freedom.

Bluecolt wrote:

ESH. I'm a parent and also a lifelong dog and cat owner. You both sound tiresome. Dog stories are not interesting, even though I love and own dogs, they're just dogs. But, I also understand that kid stories are not interesting to non-parents, so I try to know my audience.

I have all three (kids, dog, cat) and really don't talk too much about them in mixed company, there's so many more inclusive things to talk about in a group.

TheSecondEikonoffire wrote:

I am floored that I had to scroll so far to find ESH, because I fully agree. Right from the get go it sounds like OP has a real chip on his shoulder towards her, which could be warranted but it could also not be. But I don’t trust that we’re getting a fully unbiased story when OP clearly loathes this woman.

OP responded:

A dog story is interesting if it’s an interesting dog story, same with kid stories.

Also I’m not insufferably taking about my dog, we have a new dog so we’re kind of excited, whereas her kids are like 12 and 8 or something.

acrobatic_set8085 wrote:

As a non dog person I am really not interested in any dog stories. I also don’t care about stories of kids I don’t know. Maybe you should both find subjects everyone can enjoy.

shutuponanearlytrain wrote:

It's not a dog vs kid comparison. It's a stories about dogs vs stories about kids comparison. Which is different. If she cannot be decent and listen to stories about a subject that doesn't interest her (OP's dog), them she cannot expect others to listen to her stories about a subject that doesn't interest them (her kids).

OP was nice and listened to her boring stories, but if she refuses to fulfil the social contract and listen to OP's stories in turn, then she does not deserve to have uninterested people coddle her either.

Sources: Reddit
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