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'AITA for telling my sister 'I told you so' after she announced her husband's divorcing her?' UPDATED 2X

'AITA for telling my sister 'I told you so' after she announced her husband's divorcing her?' UPDATED 2X

"AITAH for telling my sister I told you so after she announced to the family her husband divorcing her?"

So I (21F) have a sister named Lisa (27F), my sister has, in my eyes, an unhealthy obsession to make every in her house fit her aesthetic, so no colorful colors, except different shades of brown, and grey, and white.

She throws away anything that does not fit into her aesthetic including her daughter Maya's (2F) toys and husband Mark's (29M) clothes, I've told my sister several times she needs to stop this before she does something to push Mark over the edge. She told me to shut up because she knows her man so well.

Lisa has a history of throwing away gifts, gift bag included if it's not in her style. What pushed Mark to finally stand up and leave Lisa was when his elderly mother who's hobby is knitting gifted both Mark and Maya colorful sweaters.

She knit them herself and they took a long time to make. Lisa did not like this so behind Mark back she threw them away, when Mark learned about this he told her he was done and demanded a divorce.

Lisa called my parents to tell them the news and I said I told you so on the call, she cussed me out then hung up, my mom said I could be more sympathetic and my dad agreed with her. So AITAH?

Not long after posting, OP shared an update with more context.

Edit: Okay let me address a few things here since they're too many comments

1. My parents aren't bad people, they don't play favorites and they don't like Lisa's aesthetic lifestyle they're only lending a shoulder to cry on because she's getting a divorce and Mark kicked her out.

2. Lisa is now living here since Mark has now kicked her out.

3. Lisa's behavior started when she joined college.

4. When were ask her to seek therapy or help because of her behavior she screams. She's not mental and calls us stupid, gives us the cold shoulder.

5. She only allows greys, browns, a select shades of white and black.

Edit 2: For those asking no Lisa can't get the sweaters back she threw them into a random dumpster and when she went back for them they were already gone and no I don't think Mark's mom can make another one, it took her over a year to knit 2 of them, she's already in her late 60's, has arthritis and used expensive yarn, will update if something happens.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

InviteAdditional8463 wrote:

NTA: she might not like it, but she needs to be reminded it was her behavior that pushed her husband away. She did this to herself, maybe now she’ll wise up to how destructive her behavior is. She needs a healthy dose of introspection and reflection, not a pity party.

pfflier wrote:

As a crocheter and knitter, I would have been DEVASTATED if someone threw away my work after it had been gifted. I just know that lady put so much time and effort into those sweaters.

You are absolutely NTA for calling her out on it. That's just a horrible thing to do. Just because SHE likes being a sad beige woman, doesn't mean her family has to be a sad beige family.

OP responded:

The sweaters took longer to make because Mark mom has arthritis and used expensive yarn.

writing_mm_romance wrote:

I'm sorry but your sister sounds like a really crappy person. NTA

I hope her ex husband was able to get those sweaters back, those are irreplaceable.

CinnamonPumpkin13 wrote:

NTA and I hope the divorce papers come in a bright envelope and has neon tabs on it.

Desperatetonotdream wrote:

Lisa doesn’t seem to understand that other people in her life are actual humans and not dolls.

Her daughter is going to grow up with a LOT of issues. NTA.

Sea_Firefighter_4598 wrote:


Maybe if your parents didn't support her cruel nonsense she wouldn't be getting a divorce. Who throws away hand knitted gifts over a BS aesthetic? The truth is long overdue.

OP responded:

My parents don't support her aesthetic behavior but convincing her to change is like talking to a brick wall, Right now they are lending a shoulder to cry on because at the end of the day she's still their daughter, but me personally I see it as karma for pushing her boring aesthetic on us.

catmassie wrote:

NTA When you say this is an unhealthy obsession, I agree. Has anyone recommended to your sister seek to seek therapy? Her behavior sounds sort of OCD related or some type of anxiety disorder. Truly, what normal, healthily functioning human person would take an aesthetic preference to this level?

OP responded wrote:

I recommended help several times but she calls me a names and says she's not mental, convincing her to get help will give you the silent treatment or lots of insults.

BlurryThoughtsForAll wrote:

By chance your sister isn't the one who went viral on TikTok this past holiday season for painting all the ornaments brown and white??? NTA. She was seeking sympathy when she doesn't deserve it. Look I understand having a cohesive color scheme in a house but that doesn't have to come at the cost of children's toys and sentimental items.

She needs to get off her social media and realize she broke up her family for an aesthetic. I hope her husband gets primary custody until she can wake up and realize her daughter needs to see color (she can Google the reasons on her own as part of her working on herself).

OP responded:

No, but I just looked up that video and maybe she gets her inspiration from her.

Three weeks later, OP came back with this update:

So yeah I'm back. I didn't expect to be back so soon. Long story short my sister got locked up for attacking her stbx husband Mark and his mother after getting served with divorce papers.

After Lisa was served with divorce papers at her workplace on Friday, Lisa started drinking and crying a lot and spend the entire weekend drinking and crying and repeating calling Mark.

Last night she took an Uber to Mark's home and beg him to reconsider the divorce (This is the story I got from Mark) he said no, then she started insulting him and pushing him then when his mom tried to push her away from Mark my sister went after Mark's mom.

Mark called the authorities and now my sister is locked up with a 6k bail that none of us are paying, Mark got bite and scratch marks and his mom has a black eye. Will update when more details come out

Here's what people had to say after the update:

FoxySlyOldStoatyFox wrote:

INFO: Is your sister’s pr-son jumpsuit brown, grey or white?

AnyBioMedGeek wrote:

I hope it is a very bright orange.

eightmarshmallows wrote:

Well, she sure doesn’t let logic get in the way of her decision making.

Sources: Reddit
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