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'AITA for telling my wife she shouldn’t move to California for school because 'angels' told her to?'

'AITA for telling my wife she shouldn’t move to California for school because 'angels' told her to?'


"AITA for telling my wife she shouldn’t move to California to pursue school because “Angels” speaking through divination rods told her to do so?"

My wife and I live and Texas. We have been together for 6 years and married for 3 of those years. I have a daughter that I have full custody of(shocker being that we live in Texas).

Yesterday night she went to her mother’s house and according to my wife they both used divination rods to deal guidance…my wife claims that “Angels” told her that she should pursue her dreams of music and that she would have to travel and that she should attend college in CA. She said she would be gone for potentially 2 years.

Obviously I was completely flabbergasted and blind sided by this as she very clearly had already made her mind up and was just calling me to grant me the formality of letting me know she was going to pursue this. I admit I got hot.

She then tried to explain that it was just supposed to be a conversation even though she literally told me verbatim “this is what I’m going to do, and you should support me” she then told me that the “Angels” told her I might move with her and that I could petition the court to modify custody agreement. Keep in mind mom keeps up with her visitation and child support.

This evening after thinking all day I told her that I would not be moving across the country based on what sticks told her and that it sounded selfish and idealistic. I told her that I would remotely consider thinking about her moving there for 2 years provided she could provide a highly detailed and outlined logistical/financial plan on what that would look like.

I’m not sure she is fully aware of what COL looks like in CA but it’s atrocious. She says that is unfair and I should be more than willing to support her after she has supported me and my daughter for the last 6 years. Is this bat s-t or AITA?

The internet did not hold back.

berninbush wrote:

INFO: What are her religious beliefs apart from this latest incident? Christianity? Wicca? Something else? Or is she just kind of freelancing? If she's claiming Christianity, you could try showing her the Bible verses that call divination a mortal sin and a gateway to the demonic. Otherwise, I dunno man.

OP responded:

Wife’s mother raised her Mormon but is now practicing angel therapy I believe it’s called I’m not sure. I told wife there are numerous verses in the Bible that condemn divination and such similar practices.

goddessariadne407 wrote:

NTA. I can't decide if your wife needs mental health care or if she has another guy on the side who's moving to California.

OP responded:

🤣🤣🤣 you never know I suppose but I’d bet my bottom dollar it’s not the latter. We are both very faithful to one another. Idk I’m just so dumbfounded rn my head hurts.

_simon_s3z wrote:

NTA. You have bigger problems than the internet can sort out.

OP responded:

Apparently so.

wlfwrtr wrote:

NTA Sounds like she wants you to financially support her life in California. What support did she give to you and your daughter?

OP responded:

She has said that she plans on working part time there to support herself so I can save money and focus on home bills thus my requesting a financial breakdown. Mom of daughter was a dr-g add-ct early on. My current wife stepped in to my daughter’s life in her formative years and really became a mom for her.

Caring for her while I was at work, taking her to the private daycare she ended up working at for a heavily discounted rate. She helped me toilet train my daughter taught her how to care for herself as a woman, do her hair wash herself correctly etc. she really has done above and beyond what any step mom would be required to do.

RepublicTop1690 wrote:

Hard to say, because I think you should have told her to sign the divorce papers before she leaves. If you're still married she could totally stick you with bills after she moves.

OP responded:

Definitely getting that divorce before she dips lol.

BlindUmpBob wrote:

NTA Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. IYKYK.

Nor is two loony women listening to angels talk through sticks a good idea for guiding life altering decisions.

crocodilezebramilk wrote:

Your wife’s mom is either getting your wife onto her delusions and is encouraging it, I seen it happen with my cousin when she went through religious psychosis, it can get very dangerous and scary.

Your wife could be having a mental health crisis all on her own and is spiralling, which can still be scary and dangerous because this is how many missing persons cases can start/happen.

Your wife could have an affair going on and is planning to run off.

Your wife is looking for a way out. Either way - your wife needs some help that is way above reddits pay grade.

obvusthrowawayobv wrote:

NTA NTA NTA. DO NOT MOVE HERE FOR MUSIC. Even the California natives who go to universities for music and then still end up jobless. Then let’s talk about the number of people who aren’t from there who think they’re going to move and go be an actor, musician, dancer, or model. No. You’re either already into music by the time you’re 10, or you’re nothing.

GaimanitePkat wrote:

I'm going to take a potentially unpopular opinion and say that your wife is not having a mental health break. She's probably felt unfulfilled, rudderless, unhappy with her life, and lacking in personal identity for a while.

This "angels" thing is her grabbing at straws to shake up her life and do something for herself.

Unfortunately, that doesn't make the plan less bonkers. NTA. You can't just up and 180 your life when you have a child involved.

Plus-Resource-7045 wrote:

She's definitely looking for a way out, step out of the line of fire and dodge that bullet. NTA, but I'd keep her away from your daughter for the time being. The way she immediately suggested petitioning the court and moving her out of state was definitely a weird thing to be at the top of her head.

Sources: Reddit
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