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'AITA for asking to stay one more hour at my mom's on Christmas from my dad?'

'AITA for asking to stay one more hour at my mom's on Christmas from my dad?'

"AITA for asking to stay one more hour at my mums on Christmas from my dad?"

Hey everyone so for a bit of context I (18F) have level 2 autism and don’t really handle being yelled at particularly well plus I tend to avoid conflict. This also happens every Christmas except for last one where he got COVID.

My parents (53F & 51M) are also divorced and have been divorced since I was in year 3 and they haven’t been on speaking terms since. I’ve also been living with my mum without swapping weeks since about 2021. It was my decision after a large argument I got into with my dad after my at the time doctor labeled him as being abusive.

So onto the story about a week before Christmas my dad called me up and insisted on picking me up at 12pm which I’ve always tended to hate since I never get enough time to talk to my mum’s side of the family. I asked him if I could have more time like an hour or two which was when he started screaming at me over the phone.

During this conversation, he mainly calls me stupid for not understanding 'street smarts' and how my mum is clearly 'drugged up and convincing her ex to be her drug dealer (my mum’s ex was going to be at the party because my half sister’s children being there).

He proceeded to dismiss the time one of my doctors called him abusive before I eventually gave up and gave into the idea of being picked up 12pm despite being obviously upset about it (I was crying because of him yelling at me).

After that we left it at there until Christmas Eve where I asked my mum if she could try convincing him which although she agreed, it didn’t help.

So moving to today, I woke up and had a missed call from my dad so I called him back up where we said merry Christmas to each other before I asked about having more time at mums again.

He got angry at this and proceeded to scream at me but I stood my ground and insisted on 1-2pm and not going at 12pm. This resulted in him deciding to cancel the Christmas plans I had with him because he ‘makes my life miserable’

(I didn’t say this, I said not seeing the rest of my mum for more than 30 minutes sours my mood for the rest of the day) before giving me the silent treatment hanging up on me.

This was after I said that the earliest I’m going is 1pm before I don’t care about how he thinks it’s unfair that mum ‘gets more hours over the year’ because I’m not even covered my child support anymore and he’s technically getting more of the day regardless on Christmas.

Honestly I’m just a bit confused over this whole situation I still want to see him as I had presents I handmade for him which probably won’t even be give. I don’t even really care about my presents I just want to spend more time with some of my family that I only usually see only on Christmas.

I’m not sure if I’m in the wrong anymore or what to thing about this. If I am in the wrong I will apologise but I’m pretty sure that he’s not bluffing about canceling Christmas knowing him so reddit, AITA? Also apologies for bad formatting I’m on mobile.

Let's see what readers thought:

hag87 writes:

NTA. You have every right to cancel!

opllo writes:

YTA. You're being a bit dramatic.

Sources: Reddit
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