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'AITA for behaving like a child on a stranger's wedding?' 'My partner caught me coloring.'

'AITA for behaving like a child on a stranger's wedding?' 'My partner caught me coloring.'


"AITA for behaving like a child on a stranger's wedding?"

So my (f26) partner (m25) got invited to a colleague's wedding and I was his +1. He asked me if I'd really want to come since I didn't know anyone there and I have social anxiety issues. But I wanted to join him because I kinda like weddings.

We went there, I was introduced briefly to some of my partner's colleagues who were there as well and after dinner, he engaged in a conversation with them. I didn't really know what to do since I felt left out and my phone had died in the meantime, my ADHD took me to the children's corner where there were coloring books and pencils...

My partner caught me coloring a bouquet of flowers and told me that I was embarrassing him in front of his colleagues and that I should stop. I should come dance with them instead. But I hated the music and did not feel comfortable showing off my questionable dancing skills so I kept drawing.

2 coloring book pages later, they were gone and when they didn't come back, I went outside to look for my partner but he was nowhere near the venue and it was too cold outside for me too go any further (my jacket was in the car and he had the key). At 1 A.M.

I had finished coloring the entire book and he was still gone. Everyone else was drunk and the music had gotten better so I pretended to be drunk as well and entered the empty dance floor, mindlessly spinning around until I felt dizzy.

When he came back, he was angry with me for behaving so childish and embarrassing him in front of his colleagues and everyone else for the entire evening.

He usually wants to keep work stuff and private stuff separated and apparently, this wedding counted as work stuff for him so he didn't really want me there, which I was aware of. I still joined him and then complained about being neglected, so AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Old_Cattle3964 said:

YTA He wants to keep work things separate, you have social anxiety and wouldn't know anyone at a work wedding. He doesn't want you to go, you insist on going because you 'like weddings' but then refused to socialize, refused to dance and could find nothing else to do in the entire wedding but color an ENTIRE coloring book?

And then you just mindlessly spun on the dance floor when the coloring pages were all gone? YTA for how you acted and for blaming ADHD for all of it. So many people have ADHD and we aren't acting like this and pretending we have no agency in our behavior.

LilSarah1999 said:

So you invited yourself to a wedding even when your boyfriend/husband said you didn't have to go. Then you put yourself in a corner and colored. Then when your boyfriend/husband told you you were embarrassing him in front of his colleagues and asked you to dance you refused. You could have colored at home, why did you want to go to a wedding? YTA.

justastudent_here said:

Girl! YTA on every possible standpoint for how you handled that. You got given a choice, partner was aware of your ADHD and asked you if you were ABSOLUTELY comfortable. you then said yes.

You then proceeded to go to the wedding, NOT engage or even TRY to talk to anyone, but your "ADHD took [you] to the children's corner where there were coloring books and pencils." Listen to yourself, 26 and blaming it on ADHD.

You THEN couldn't find your partner so instead proceeded to embarrass yourself even more??!!! You're 26, be more mature in handling stuff like that. A wedding for a colleague IS a work event, you embarrassed him. Think about it, would you be absolutely fine had your boyfriend behaved in such a way to you?

You HAVE to learn how to adjust. Yeah you have ADHD but that DOES NOT excuse the fact that your 26 going on 5. Even a 5 year old would do better tbh. I'm cringing thinking about how your partner felt that entire evening watching you embarrass the both of you.

You're his plus 1, you both are a team. Yet because "no one" was talking to you, you go on and throw a lil tantrum for not getting enough attention. its not all about you, and you should have been more supporting to him.

pendingreview22 said:

YTA. You did indeed act like a child. An adult realizes their limits and doesn’t expect life to accommodate. Here that would be either not going, or going and finding appropriate ways to self-soothe (I.e., discussing expectations ahead of time with your partner...

...taking short breaks outside the venue, finding quieter areas to socialize, coming separately from your partner or taking yourself home/Ubering when it becomes overwhelming for you).

Ok_Mermaid25 said:

“I should come dance with them instead. But I hated the music and did not feel comfortable showing off my questionable dancing skills so I kept drawing.” “Everyone else was drunk and the music had gotten better so l pretended to be drunk as well and entered the empty dance floor, mindlessly spinning around until I felt dizzy.”

You refuse to dance with your partner, but then will spin around on the dance floor BY YOURSELF till you’re dizzy. Your partner SHOULD be embarrassed. Are you sure you’re 26 and not 6? YTA.

DavidANaida said:

YTA. When your partner asked if you really wanted to come to the wedding, the answer you were looking for was "no."

No one was on OP's side for this one. What's your advice for this wedding drama?

Sources: Reddit
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