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'AITA for breaking up with my BF in front of his friends over a 'girl bestie?''

'AITA for breaking up with my BF in front of his friends over a 'girl bestie?''

"AITA for breaking up with my BF in front of his friends over a 'girl bestie?'"

We have been together for 8 months and official 4. I love him honestly and everything was great. We met each other’s family and friends and the whole thing. On Saturday I was meeting with him and his friends and he was to introduce me to his best friend from college, let’s call her Karen.

She came 1.5 hours late and he refused to order until she was there. I wasn’t very hungry so I wasn’t bothered at first but then she came without apologies or anything. She just nodded Hi when he introduced us.

The other two friends were with their girlfriend’s and they weren’t very glad to have waited before dinner. Her explanation was that she got caught up in a game. (We are all way in our 30’s)

Then she got a bit drunk and was all over my boyfriend and the first time she talked to me was to tell me “I hope that you aren’t like the other girls and get intimidated by our friendship.” I was like what? I don’t get intimidated by other women.

She insisted that she was the reason my boyfriend and all his exes broke up. My boyfriend then interjected agreeing with her. I asked how so and he said, jealousy and some have given me an ultimatum and I would never choose an insecure girl that I have known for 8 months over a friend who Ive knows for years. She was giggling the whole time.

I was a bit “yuck” and I said women don’t usually have problems with other women. You speak about this happening with multiple women? What are the odds that they were all wrong when there’s a common denominator?

She started laughing and saying that I was just like them and my boyfriend, like I’ve seen him for the first time in his pathetic form, said “well yeah, this goes for us too, if you make that ultimatum then it is over for us too.”

I just said that he needn’t worry because I am better than playing pick me in my 30’s so I am bowing out. I left the restaurant and transferred my part of the bill to him. Now he said that I was the AH for breaking up without a discussion and to do it in front of his friends like that was embarrassing.

His friends thought I did great and they didn’t think I was the ah at all and they were laughing and making "burn" sounds when I left so he found it embarrassing. I know for a fact that I am gonna continue being friends with the girlfriend’s of them because I have known them for 8 months now and we like each other.

The other thing is that I was the ah for giving up on us so easily but I disagree. I usually don’t give up on people I respect. His and her clownery just made me think it wasn’t worth one more second. But he said that it was wrong because he loves me and I him.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA- you put her and him in their places. Love the I won’t play this pick me game in my 30s line. I am glad you see your worth and that he isn’t worth it if he won’t even stick up for you.


Lmao “anyone who calls me out for being a POS is just insecure” yeah okay whatever helps you sleep at night. NTA at all good for you dude.


I LOVE THIS POST! This is the absolute best SLAY move and I am all for it! What an absolute BITCH she is, and for him to agree with her disrespect of you and all his past gfs because of their rejection of his sick attachment to this offensive wench is just ICK.

I would hope that all self-respecting women would do the same as you!

I celebrate this completely classy and boss move!!!!!!!


NTA. You dodged a bullet with this one. His "best friend" was clearly inappropriate and disrespectful, and his agreement with her behavior shows he doesn't respect your feelings or value your relationship. You did the right thing by walking away.


Dude is going to be single for a LONG time. His “bff” is definitely the reason no one will want to be with him. Good on you for putting them in their place and having self respect. NTA.


NTA Absolutely nailed it! Your self respect and boundaries are top tier. It's clear he was more interested in pleasing his best friend than honoring your relationship. You're not just a player in their twisted game, you're the queen who turned the board over. Keep holding that crown high. Cheers to recognizing red flags and having the strength to walk away!


Honestly this lady sounds like a weirdo. Who even says that. What a weird powermove. I just don’t understand it. Glad you’re moving on. NTA.


So your ex is going to end a pathetic, lonely, loser because this girl bestie is keeping his as her back up plan? What a shill.


NTA - It’s refreshing to see people stand up for themselves and know their worth. Your boyfriend immediately showed what a loser he was over her and ain’t nobody got time for that. I wonder how many girlfriends he will lose before he wakes tf up. Probably way too many more.


He clearly will put his bestie first until he either dates her or she finds some guy. The fact that multiple women dump him over this girl is a red flag, he puts her first always.


His “best friend” set up that ultimatum to see how you would respond. You responded BEAUTIFULLY!!! As you should! THEY ARE TAH. You are not.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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