My fiance (24M) and I (24F) have been dating for 6 years. He proposed to me a few months ago, which was the happiest moment of my life. We set our wedding date for this December. However, after what happened last night, I am seriously considering breaking up with my fiance, and am unsure if I am an AH.
My fiance, my brother, and I were all walking back to our car from dinner at a nice restaurant. The car was parked pretty far away as the place was packed, so we had to walk quite some distance. It was late at night, and as we were walking, a person in a bike came to the side of us, and stopped us and demanded we give everything we had.
My fiance panicked and just ran away, but my brother, after talking to the man for a couple of minutes, realized he could handle the situation and scared the guy off [edited for Facebook community standards].
I called my fiance after that and told him everything was fine, and that we would pick him up. My fiance still seemed a bit shaken, but I explained to him everything was alright, and my fiance thanked my brother a lot.
However, I just felt extremely weird, and sort of disappointed that my fiance just ran away. I understand it was his natural instinct, but just seeing my brother take the attacker down, and in comparison to my fiance just running away, I just feel like I lost a lot of love for my fiance after last night.
I spoke with my brother this morning to get his opinion, and he said I should still give my fiance a chance, and that my fiance loves me, and what happened last night is not a normal occurrence. However, I told him, I just got a massive ick, and I don’t think this ick will ever go. AITA?
Whether the change in your feelings about your fiance makes you an asshole or not, you would not be doing either of you any favors by staying with him out of guilt. You feel what you feel.
Imagine if your brother wasn’t there? It’s scary to think your partner will not have your back. I’ve felt that ick you mentioned. It’s really hard to bounce back from that… NTAH
Thank you, I feel really bad about what I'm feeling, but I can't help it. I don't want to make it weird, but after I watched my brother [take care of things], I wished my fiance was like my brother, but he was the complete opposite and just deserted us and ran away.
My issue is he ran away and left you behind to defend yourself. Like if his instinct was to run away, he should have also grabbed you to run away with him.
NTA. He just left you? I wouldn’t be able to trust him in an emergency after that. What if you had kids? Would he run away and leave them too?
The whole point of having a partner is they are there with you in good times and bad times, your fiancé showed you what he would do when in this situation, you need to believe him. Know you need to decide if this is a deal breaker for you?