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Brother refuses to give wealthier sister 'lion's share' of inheritance; AITA?

Brother refuses to give wealthier sister 'lion's share' of inheritance; AITA?


Is it fair to award your oldest child with a larger share of your inheritance to make up for when they had to babysit your younger children?

Dividing up an inheritance, even when there isn't 'Succession'-level money involved, can turn otherwise normal people into money-hungry vultures. So, when a conflicted man decided to vent to the moral compass of the internet about his sister's share of his parents' inheritance, people were eager to hear all the piping hot family drama.

AITA for not wanting to give my wealthier sister the lion's share of the inheritance?

Yesterday, my parents sat me (31 M), my two brothers (32M, 34M) and my sister (41 F) down to discuss their will. My parents informed us that they want to split it five ways, my sister gets 2/5 while the three of us brothers get 1/5 each.

Their reasoning is that my sister 'sacrificed' her childhood for our family so it's only fair she gets compensated.

In our childhood, my father's business partner screwed him over so there was a period where we were broke and in debt. My parents had to work multiple jobs to keep us afloat, and my sister babysat us while our parents worked. All she had to do was feed us and keep an eye on us.

We were pretty calm kids so all we did was play games and do our homework. It probably wasn't thrilling, but not exactly a tremendous hardship.

I complained to my parents along with my brothers that it's insane they want to give my sister 2/5 of the inheritance over that, especially since she's financially the best off out of all of us. She doesn't have any kids and a dual income with her partner.

My parents said they're disappointed in us, and said we need to reflect on ourselves. My sister didn't say sh$t while my parents spoke, but texted us afterwards that she had zero intention of taking 2/5 but we were all a$$holes. AITA for feeling like this split is unfair?

Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say about this one:

SwimmingCritical said:

YTA. Even if she just stayed at home while you were there, she didn't have teenage freedom and she made sacrifices and took on responsibilities. It doesn't matter how affluent she is now, your parents are trying to pay her back for what they couldn't pay her then.

Sunny_Hill_1 said:

YTA. First of all, you are not entitled to any of your parents' money, they could have left it to a cat shelter and that would have been fine.

Second, yes, she did in fact make a huge sacrifice by basically becoming a third parent and babysitting you all the time. All the time you've spent playing?

She could have been out with her friends, enjoying her childhood, and instead she was making sure her siblings were fed and out of trouble. You are terribly entitled.

LavishnessQuiet956 said:

YTA. It sounds like your parents have an inheritance to give in large part because of your sister supporting them, which allowed them to get out of a financial hole.

It was respectful of our parents to explain their choice; they could have left it without any explanation and that is their right.

Also, you’re ten years younger, you have no idea what it was like for your sister. You assume you were easy, but you seem pretty entitled now so I’m guessing you were harder than you knew. She helped parent you, full stop.

RamblingManUK said:

'All she had to do was feed us and keep an eye on us.' So no after school clubs, no seeing her friends, no going out. YTA, This would have had a huge effect on her life. I also have to wonder if she doesn't have kids because she'd already raised you three, this happens to a lot of poeple who had to care for their siblings.

Medium_Shake4624 said:

Unfair how? You are getting free a money/assets for nothing, your parents decided your sister deserves a large portion based on what she did for the family, clearly you weren’t raised to respect your parents decisions.

sksmonk said:

YTA (Along with your brothers) You should respect your parents decision and be grateful they are giving you guys anything.

So, there you have it...

Everyone agreed unanimously here that this younger brother is remarkably entitled and 100% wrong about anything being 'unfair.' The decision is ultimately up to his parents, especially since he did nothing to earn that money in the first place. Good luck, everyone...the family group chat is about to get tense.

Sources: Reddit
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