I (24M) have a brother (27M) who got married last week and I unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute because my dog ran out into the street and got hit by a bike.
He is now fine but at the time I had to rush him to the vet and he was in very rough shape. The doctor told me that he will need supervision for the next week and this happened three days before the wedding which was a no pet wedding.
My brother made it very clear that this was a no pet event, and I even told him the situation, but he wouldn't budge. So I told him that I had to cancel and that I would not be attending due to the fact that I needed to take care of my dog.
A few days went by and my family is now upset at me because I didn't show up and that I should have just got a dog sitter. But I didn't want to trust a random person or someone I know with this much responsibility because my dog is one if the few things that helped me get through 2020. So AITA for missing my brother's wedding to take care of my dog?
Just-lurking-1122 said:
Sorry to me, this is a YTA. Look I have a dog I’m obsessed with, but a wedding for an immediate family member is a big deal. Of course it’s a “no pet” wedding, I’ve never heard of a wedding that allows pets.
If my sibling missed my wedding for this I’d be pissed. You could have gotten a dog sitter. There’s plenty of ways to make sure the person is capable.
sheramom4 said:
YTA just for complaining that it was a no pet wedding. 99% of weddings are no pet weddings. How did you expect to be accommodated? You wouldn't even attempt to arrange care or anything for your dog so can they really expect you to arrange anything at an actual wedding venue? How come I suspect you were IN the wedding and canceled?
NeatExotic8505 said:
YTA it’s your brothers wedding. I am obsessed with my dog and could find one person I trust to sit with and watch for a day. Did you even try?
Cap-s-here said:
Yeah YTA and I have an unhealthy obsession with my pets. Yes that’s super sad but you just missed your brother’s wedding when you could have paid someone to take care of your dog, you wouldn’t leave the dog to them for ages either, just the time of the wedding.
Jollycondane said:
YTA. The fact that it was already stated as a ‘no pet’ event suggests you’ve already been bringing your dog to places without asking.
Nordic_Ant said:
Wtf??? Ofc YTA. You do not miss out on an important life event in close family over a dog. You could have hired a dog sitter, a neighbours teenager, asked a friend to dog sit. Ofc your family are super mad at you, so would I be if I were your ditched sibling...! Jeeez!!!!