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Trauma and trust broken as mother sues brother for mistreating son with cerebral palsy. AITA?

Trauma and trust broken as mother sues brother for mistreating son with cerebral palsy. AITA?


"AITA for cutting off my brother and suing him after I found out he harassed my disabled son while babysitting?"


Hi, everyone. I (27F) am a single mom to my 6-year-old son, Jake (not his real name). Jake has cerebral palsy, which makes him physically disabled and means he needs extra care and understanding. He’s such a sweet, sensitive kid, and I try my best to protect him, but I feel like I failed him this time.

My younger brother Liam (25M) has always been someone I trusted. He’s my only sibling, and since our dad passed away when we were young, we’ve always been close. Liam is gay and outgoing, and while he’s not really a “kid person,” he’s been good with Jake in the past, so I thought I could rely on him.

A few weeks ago, I had to attend a work conference overnight. I don’t have a lot of people I can ask to babysit Jake, so when Liam offered, I felt so relieved. He said he was happy to help, and I really believed him.

When I came home the next day, I noticed Jake was acting… different. He’s usually so happy to see me, but he just seemed quiet and withdrawn. I thought maybe he was just tired or cranky, so I didn’t push him.

That night, when I was helping him get ready for bed, I noticed bruises on his upper arm. They were shaped like finger marks, as if someone had grabbed him hard. My stomach dropped. I asked Jake what happened, but he started crying and saying, “No, Mommy, no!” It broke my heart.

I called Liam right away, and he immediately got defensive. He told me Jake probably “fell” or bumped into something, and I was “overthinking it.” But something didn’t sit right with me, so I took Jake to the doctor. The doctor said the bruises didn’t look like a fall they looked like someone grabbed him.

I felt sick. Over the next few days, I gently asked Jake more about what happened. It was hard because he struggles to express himself, but he said things like “Uncle Liam got mad” and “I was scared.” He wouldn’t say much else, but that was enough for me.

I confronted Liam again, and this time he admitted he lost his temper because Jake wouldn’t stop crying. He said it was “just a moment” and that he didn’t mean to hurt him. He told me I was blowing things out of proportion and being overprotective. I was so angry and hurt I could barely speak.

I cut him off right then and there. I also filed a police report because I couldn’t just let this slide. CPS got involved, and after their investigation, they said there was enough evidence to press charges.

Now, Liam is furious, and some of my family are siding with him. They’re saying I’m tearing the family apart and that I should “give him a second chance” because “family makes mistakes.”

But Jake hasn’t been the same since. He’s been waking up with nightmares and gets scared when people move too fast around him. I can’t just let this go. I feel like I failed him by leaving him with Liam in the first place, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. Liam says I’ve ruined his life and that I’m making a big deal out of nothing. AITA for cutting him off and suing him?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA! You need to protect your son ! Proud of you!

Ready-Cook7451 (OP)

I will always protect him and won't allow anyone to hurt him.


No, you're NTA. You did the right thing by protecting your son and taking the necessary steps to ensure his safety and well-being. Your brother's actions were inexcusable and he needs to take responsibility for them. Family should not be an excuse for abuse. Stay strong, mama bear.


You haven't failed him AT ALL. You couldn't have known this was going to happen but once you did, you stepped up for him and he will know that Mom can be relied on to keep him safe. NTA.


NTA I worked with intellectually and physically disabled people for 30 years. Some of them were physically aggressive, and I got punched, bit, head butted and lost handfuls of hair just moving someone from the wheelchair to the bed by people who, though disabled, objectively knew better. Never had the temptation to hit back. Your brother wasn't even physically harmed by your son.


Where do you live? Because you may not have a say in the pressing of charges now. Let the prosecutor know that you are getting family pressure.

Ready-Cook7451 (OP)

I'm already in discussion with my lawyer to see what can be done.


NTA. Your son is your family. You don't owe your brother anything since he decided to harm your child. He deserves to be charged and never be allowed around your son again. Anyone siding with your brother, instead of worrying about your son, deserve to be cut off.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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