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Dad tells teen son he has to wear clothes in 100+ degree Oklahoma heat. AITA?

Dad tells teen son he has to wear clothes in 100+ degree Oklahoma heat. AITA?


"AITA for telling my son he has to wear clothes?"

My son (M19) loves to just wear underwear in his room for whatever reason. He’ll throw on a shirt and pants if he has to step out to go to the bathroom, come to the kitchen, talk to anybody, etc but otherwise he’s just in his underwear.

I’ve (M48) told him multiple times that I dislike this and that he has to wear clothes in case his mom or I have to come into his room.

He says that if we start knocking he’ll throw something on and then it’ll be okay. I told him he still has to wear clothes and then he made another excuse and said it was too hot.

In the summer I tend to set the thermostat to around 85 or 87 to save money. I turn it down to around 80-82 once the sun goes down because then it takes less energy.

He says that it makes him sweat when he’s just sitting around not doing anything and I rejoined by saying “if it’s so hot go spend a couple hours outside, see if it still feels hot”- we live in Oklahoma and it routinely gets up to 100 in the summers.

He rolled his eyes at this and we just kept arguing. I’m wondering now if I’m the a$#hole. Am I?

Here were the top-rated comments from readers:

Alloddscanteven said:

YTA - huge one. 1. He’s not naked around the house; 2. Why do you actually care; 3. 87 degrees in the summer?! That’s torturous; 4. Your ridiculous temperature requirements are the reason he’s wearing only underwear in the first damn place. You want him to get dressed? Keep the house a humane temperature.

Waterslide33 said:

This is his room, where he can spend the day naked if he wishes. Why does it bother you so much that he's in his underwear in his own room ? Knock on his door and he'll get dressed before he opens it - it's the best solution for everyone. YTA.

Drakmarr628 said:

A teenager living at home has very little privacy. Their room is the only safe place they truly have.

Why would want your son to be uncomfortable in his own room? I do understand the need to save cost, I also live in Oklahoma, however, 85+ is a bit hot. And he needs to cool off and relax. Let him be comfortable in his own space please. YTA.

pianistafj said:

YTA - I’m not trying to be rude here, but this isn’t how you treat someone you love. You need to see a therapist and figure out why you need to control your son’s life down to the micromanagement level.

There is no good reason why him sitting in his own room, his safe space, the only physical space he can call HIS, bothers you whatsoever. Go see a professional and repair what’s left of your relationship with your son. And use your goddamn air conditioner.

Whatnot1785 said:

YTA - he’s an adult, it’s his room, and what do you expect when you have it that insanely hot in the house on purpose? Sounds miserable.

Readers unanimously agreed that OP was in the wrong here. What's your advice to this dad?

Sources: Reddit
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