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Man called 'completely inappropriate' by wife for being in delivery room with his sister. AITA?

Man called 'completely inappropriate' by wife for being in delivery room with his sister. AITA?


"AITA for telling my wife there’s nothing inappropriate about being in the delivery room for my sister?"

Last week, my sister asked if I could be in delivery room with her when she gives birth. I was surprised with the request and asked about her husband, and she said she and her husband are going through some issues. She also said her husband freaks out a lot and she wasn’t sure he could handle this. I then asked about our mom, and she said she didn’t want to put any more burden on our mom.

I asked my sister if she was sure about it, and my sister said I was always her first choice, because growing up, she always felt safe and protected with me and knew nothing could go wrong. She said she would be completely stress free if I was in the room with her. I know pregnancy can be daunting and I told my sister sure, but I wanted to speak to my wife about it. My sister thanked me a lot.

I then spoke to my wife about it, and my wife was shocked with my sister’s request. She said it was completely inappropriate and she’s never once in her life heard of a brother being in the sister’s delivery room.

I told my wife there’s nothing inappropriate about it, and my sister is just going through a hard time. Ultimately, all we want is a smooth pregnancy with no complications, and that can happen in a stress free environment.

My wife and I spoke about it some more and I was getting exasperated. I finally told my wife she cannot forbid me from being there for my family. AITA?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

A quick question: Do you and your wife have children? If not, are you intending to? I'm just wondering if your wife wants your first experience of childbirth to be with her?

OP responded:

We don’t have children yet, and we do intend on having children. I never really thought about it like that, and that could be a reason for why my wife doesn’t want me to go. But I cannot not be there for my sister, especially when she’s going through a daunting time like this.

This is what you need to discuss with your wife. On a side note, someone mentioned this earlier, but I was in the room with my wife for both our children's delivery. My focus was on her the whole time. I did not see anything at either birth.

NTA, holding your sisters hand while going through a painful and terrifying experience is pretty much the definition of a good brother. Your wife should be so lucky to have a sibling willing to do this and be grateful she has a husband who takes care of his family.

Seriously, if he is this good a brother he is likely a good husband too!

Your wife is being insecure and it is sad. Please do this for your sister.

On the one hand, I guess that's kind of sweet. But as a brother with sisters... man that's gross.

Sources: Reddit
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