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'AITA for exposing my cheating girlfriend at her birthday party?' 'I went through her phone.'

'AITA for exposing my cheating girlfriend at her birthday party?' 'I went through her phone.'

"AITA for exposing my cheating girlfriend at her birthday party?"

I (27M) have been with my girlfriend, Sarah (26F), for three years. All this time, I thought things were going great between us. We had already talked about moving in together and making our relationship formal. You know, an engagement and wedding...all that was planned.

However, a few months ago, She started to have some weird characteristics unlike coming home late, and drunk, being secretive with her phone, and making excuses to avoid spending time together.

For like a week I tried to study and get to know where all this were coming from and to make it worse, I started to think I was the problem for why she is behaving like that. With time, my gut feeling kept nagging me so I decided to do some investigating just to seek the truth.

One night while she was drunk asleep, I went through her phone and I checked her chats with her best friend because that's where all the secrets are. I was shocked to find out that she was having an affair with one of my boys.

I confronted her about it and she denied everything, even when I showed her the messages. She said they were just joking around and that I was being paranoid. I didn't buy it, but I didn't push further.

So last week at her birthday party, everyone was invited including my boy lol. I said to myself I could keep hurting and pretending I'm okay. So after the eating and dancing, it was time to talk. I decided to talk last as I wanted to hear how everybody praised our relationship then prove them wrong.

When it was my turn, I talked about trust and loyalty, and then I dropped the bombshell. I let everyone know that she was cheating and even sent the messages to her birthday group so everyone could see.

Everyone was shocked while she felt embarrassed and ran out crying. Her family and friends came at me for humiliating her on her precious day. I left shortly after, feeling a mix of anger and relief.

Now my phone keeps getting notifications from her friends calling me all sort of names. But I feel like she deserved it for betraying my trust. So, AITA for exposing my cheating girlfriend at her birthday party?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

DivineTarot said:

Honestly, NTA. I'm of the mindset that people frequently only change if they either have the self-reflective nature to look at their own actions with an unbiased mindset or if they receive a shock to their system significant enough to teach them a solid lesson.

You did your ex a favor really, because she'll always remember how her own unfaithful actions led to her humiliation. Hopefully, with luck, the next guy to come along will be luckier and not get cheated on due to this lesson if for no other reason than she realizes the consequences make it not worth it to cheat.

ApieVuist said:

NTA. Cheaters deserve this kind of treatment.

Stormydaycoffee said:

NTA. Cheaters really don’t get a choice of how they would like their affair to be privately and gently exposed. They broke your heart without giving a shit so feel free break their reputation the same way.

averquepasano said:

NTA! I hope you drooped the mic and your boy. Oh, and if he's in a friend group, I'd let all the guys know what he did. He's not to be trusted.

chingchopa said:

NTA. All cheaters should be put in shame in every possible ways.

Niodia said:

I notice no mention of your boy except for she was cheating with him, and he would be there. If you are laying all the blame on your ex, but letting him slide you are being a MAJOR AH to yourself.

Sources: Reddit
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