So, I (21F) don’t even know where to start. I’m honestly all over the place right now and feel like the worst person ever, but here’s what happened. My sister (22F) and I have always been close with our grandparents.
They’re amazing people so sweet, always taking care of us, and they keep a lot of cash around the house because they’re old-school like that. Every time we visit, they try to give us money, even when we tell them not to, but that’s just who they are.
Anyway, for the past couple months, I’ve noticed something weird. After almost every visit, they’d mention how they thought they had more cash in certain spots. Like, “Oh, I thought there was another $50 here,” or “Where did that $20 I left in the drawer go?” They’d always laugh it off, like they were just being forgetful, but I don’t know something about it stuck with me.
Last weekend, my sister and I went over there to visit. This time, I couldn’t shake the feeling, so I decided to pay more attention. At one point, my sister said she needed to use the bathroom, but she was gone for a while.
I don’t even know what came over me, but I went to check, and I caught her in their bedroom with their dresser drawer open. I watched her take money and shove it into her purse.
I was stunned. I called her out on the spot, and she freaked out. She started saying she was “just borrowing it” and would put it back. I told her that was BS and that this wasn’t the first time I could just tell. She begged me not to say anything and said it wasn’t a big deal, but I just... I couldn’t.
After we left, I was so torn. I didn’t want to destroy our relationship, but I couldn’t let this slide. So, I told my parents everything. They were shocked and furious, and they ended up telling our grandparents, who were obviously devastated. My sister denied it at first, but eventually, when my parents pushed, she admitted she’d done it “a few times.”
Now, my family is a mess. My parents are so angry at her, my grandparents are heartbroken, and my sister has completely shut me out. She’s been texting me, calling me a traitor, saying I ruined her life and blew this out of proportion. She even blocked me on social media.
I feel horrible. I didn’t want this to blow up like it did, but I also couldn’t just keep quiet while she stole from people who’ve done nothing but love us. My parents say I did the right thing, but I can’t stop feeling guilty. So... AITA? Should I have just handled it privately with her instead of getting everyone involved?
Absolute not the AH you did what was right! She could have asked for money and they would have given it to here instead of stealing she is the AH!
EventSpecialist2262 (OP)
You are absolute right! They give us money anyways every time we visit them she should have asked for it instead of stealing from them. they are the most loving people I know they don't deserve that and needed to know the truth.
She was stealing! From your grandparents. The end!
EventSpecialist2262 (OP)
Agreed! I don't know why i felt that bad for exposing here at the beginning I definitely did the right thing.
NTA. Your sister wasn’t "borrowing" money, she was running her own personal heist movie on your grandparents. You didn’t ruin her life... she did that when she chose to treat their house like an ATM with no withdrawal limits.
NTA. What your sister did is shameful, betraying the trust of two kindly, loving people. She needs to face hard consequences for what she's done.
EventSpecialist2262 (OP)
She deserves to be punished for stealing money from our grandparents!
NTA. Protecting your grandparents from getting hurt was the right move, even if it sucks that it had to be against your sister. Tough spot, but you stood up for what's right. Family should protect, not exploit.
You are NTA! Your sister is a thief! She is literally going around robbing people. If you'll rob your family, you'll rob anyone! You did the right thing. Please don't let anyone tell you anything different. Your sister needs help.
She may have a drug problem or some other problem, but the one problem we absolutely know she has is the problem of stealing. She may have shut you out, which is sometimes a natural consequence of telling when someone does something wrong, but you still did the right thing.
Your grandparents don't deserve to be robbed by someone they allow in their home. I am also willing to bet your sister has done this to your parents too. You did nothing wrong. Don't let anyone shake your belief in your choices in this situation.
NTA You did try handling privately, when you caught her and she still took it. Exposing her was the only way to protect your grandparents after that. She is the traitor to your grandparents. You betrayed no one. You didn't ruin her life, she is the one who chose to become a thief. She ruined her own life.
If i get this right: sister steals, gets busted, everyone is angry at her and she blames op for ruining her life. Yeah no. nta, sis is a thief. I like how the family is angry at sis instead of getting angry at op for not keeping the peace or something like that.
Nta, what your sister did was very wrong and incredibly disrespectful to your grandparents and by association your parents , you and anyone else in your family, because what kind of parents would bring up thier kids to steal from thier grandparents. Your sister is an AH.