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Woman obsessed with family reconciliation hospitalized for emotional breakdown; fiancé reconsiders engagement. AITA? UPDATED 2X

Woman obsessed with family reconciliation hospitalized for emotional breakdown; fiancé reconsiders engagement. AITA? UPDATED 2X


"My fiancée is obsessed with me forgiving my parents when I have outlined why I will never."

Hello everyone, I am here to vent, rant, please forgive me if I swear or if I am being hard on my fiancée or the Mormon faith. I just at a limit currently. I see other stories around this same topic, but I feel this one is faith driven or she is in a delusion.

I (32M) have been with my fiancée Emily (27F) for 2 yrs now. She and I have two very different childhoods. She is from a tight family, Mormon faith, support everywhere, great friends and family, and a very sheltered and naive view of the world. (Will explain later).

While I was the product of chaos. Grew up with screaming, theft, name calling, drinking. and maybe a weekly visit from the police from all the yelling, you get the idea.

When I turned 18 that was it, officially kicked out by my parents who threw every insult that I grew up hearing. Grew up with no grandparents because they lived in a different state my whole life.

My parents are your stereotypical peaked in high school stereotypes, dad was the quarterback mom was the cheerleader, and both blamed me for their failures. Dad could have made it to the NFL if I never came along, mom could have been "Somebody" if I didn't ruin her life.

from the ages of 18-25 I worked for CP Rail, started as grunt worker, then a train conductor and later the driver. Lived in a studio apartment and saved up so much money and moved to Utah when I turned 25.

Utah is a beautiful state and had great opportunity for work. for the next 5 years I lived in a very small studio apartment until I bought a cabin in the Rocky Mountains away from everyone at age 30.

That is when I met Emily, she worked in a realtor office, and to keep it short when she introduced me to the family it felt amazing to have the love from them that I never had.

Then came the questions of my family that I tried to explain away. For a full year I told Emily my past and upbringing, but I feel she wasn't understanding or did not believe me.

Remember I said she was sheltered and has this naive view of the world; she truly doesn't see the cruelness or the darkness of reality because she has never been around it. The world is full of flowers and rainbows.

She doesn't believe that humans are cruel and can treat one another that way, she lives in a effing bubble of delusion. I have tried to show her and tell her my life is real but "It can't be that true because no parent kicks their son out, why would you lie like that" Let me draw you a freaking road map again. Again, she still believes it isn't true, and I need to find my parents.

Before I proposed she told me that she will find my parents to be a part of our lives, I begged for her to stop and please leave my parents out of this. She even recently says "If they were hard on you and shown you love that you see as hard you need to forgive" She has become FREAKING obsessed to find them.

IT IS ALL SHE TALKS ABOUT! I feel she will find them, and they will show up and everything I have done to better myself will be gone. I am getting very close to just ending this relationship.

Four days later, the OP returned with an update.

So yesterday afternoon I asked my fiancée to talk. We sat at our kitchen table, and I asked her to please not interrupt until the end of my "speech" I outlined in detail my upbringing, my life from 18 yrs old until we met. And at the end I asked her one question "Why do you think I am lying or struggle to understand my past trauma?"

At first, she did not answer. She sat in silence for at least 10 seconds before uttering the words "You are still lying, please stop with this story of 'I was abused' No parents would ever treat their gift and blessing from God.

Being stern loving parents is not abuse, and we must forgive the past. 'Honor your father and mother" With this sentence I knew all of you were right, but one comment had a great Idea.

I Looked at her and said, "Well then, I guess there is only one way to prove it to you then." I knew I would set back over 10 years of therapy with this one act, but for me this was going to be my final nail in the coffin in our relationship.

I took out my laptop and found my mother and fathers Facebook, they had their numbers on the main page (They are not private) and asked her "What number shall I call?" She looked at the pages and started to tremble with her words, it looked like her sense of reality was breaking because there could be a chance I wasn't lying.

She said "You father" I told her to remain quite. I dialed the phone on speaker phone, my heart was beating out of my chest as the phone rang while my soul was praying, he wouldn't answer.

Dad "What the F do you want?" is how he answered, "Hi dad, just wanted to call and say I am getting married" "Oh wow what do you want a freaking medal? Who cares she probably is some street corner worker.

You have completely wasted your time trying to tell me this, in fact block my number and I will block yours DEAL!? Oh, wait better yet let me tell your mother...HEY OP is getting married to a street worker!"

Mom "HAHAHA Is that the best he can do? Oh man, should we tell him how our lives are better?" Dad "Oh yeah we should, Thanks for getting out of our lives, we are living the dream out here now" Mom "what was the freaking purpose of calling us you piece of..." I hung up the phone and blocked the number fast.

I sat in silence tears and all my emotions starting to boil over. Emily sat in complete silence unable to move or speak. I got up and told her to please leave my house and to please give me the ring back.

She snapped and started pacing the house muttering that "This is not real, parents love their children, they love them, they love them, they love them, they love them" she started to completely bawl her eyes out and I grabbed my phone and called her parents telling them to come get her now.

When they got there Emily was completely unhinged, I think her world view was completely broken and she was having a mind break. She screamed at them "You love me, right? all Parents love their children, right? Thats what you told me right? God loves all right?"

Her parents tried to calm her down she grabbed me and fell to her knees "You love me, you love me, no one stops loving, parents love, husbands love, FORGIVE!! all can be FORGIVEN!! You need to FORGIVE ME; GOD CAN FORGIVE WHY CAN'T ALL FORGIVE!!"

At this point I called the police and paramedics because she was starting to become violent, they were able to restrain her before loading her in the back of an ambulance. Her parents I talked after, they apologized to the heavens and back.

They confessed that Emily always said I was in a stern household and struggled with my faith. When I told them my past Emily would re-tell the story, and they felt they had to believe her.

The father left for the hospital and the mother stayed to organize the house and Emilys belongings. She sat in silence and prayed for a minute. She told me she thinks she failed her daughter; she was raised in a very loving family, and she never saw the world as it is, she feels her daughter is stuck in a 1950's family movie.

She gave me a hug and told me I am always welcome to call and come around but would understand if I go to NC with them. I thanked her and told her will go NC for a little while let them focus on Emily. Well today I feel numb and will contact my therapist and try to get back on track, I set myself back 10 years.

Later that day, the OP returned with another update.

I want to thank everyone for all the DMs and comments. It has been overwhelming to read all the comments, and I want to clear a few things up that I left out or did not detail enough.

1: It is common for a Mormon to marry a non-Mormon we just can't get married in the Temple. And we had the blessings of her parents and family.

2: Emily was the perfect partner 90% of her was what all men want, she was always excited to see me come home basically leaping into my arms after a long day of work, always saying she loved me, she would pull little pranks and jokes that would make me laugh and smile. The other 10% was her setbacks and views of life.

3: Emily never left her town is 100% true, she worked at an office in town that owned by a close family friend. She never traveled or been on a road trip. She never wanted to go on any vacation. Our "trips" were up in the mountains.

4: Emily was always guarded by her family and friends. So, she never grew up and experienced the difficulties of life and could see the world for how it can be. Her faith was the driving force behind everything that the world is.

5: The reason I called my parents was petty or cruel depending on how you view it, I wanted to truly have her hear the cruelty of the world and to have her listen to how I grew up. And my dad knew it was me because my Apple ID must have popped up on his phone or he never blocked me when they kicked me out.

He was never the smartest guy in the room.

6: It took me 10 years to get their voices out of my head, that is why I feel I set myself back

Now for a small update: Emily has been administered into a mental ward. I could not go NC with her parents as they treated me like a son and a human. I had dinner with them yesterday evening and they have explained that she is on a suicide watch, she won't eat or drink, she has been screaming that this world isn't real.

Her parents have told me that they do not blame me, but themselves. Her mother was SA'd in college and she wanted to protect her daughter from those "Evils walking among us" and she dove deep into the Mormon church and surrounded Emily with all the support and protection she needed to live a safe, guarded, and happy life.

But as Emily got older, she noticed Emily casting off certain friends or people who were struggling with life as "Liars of God" because their struggles were not real because it is imposable to struggle in the eyes of God.

During the Iraq war and many events of the 2000's she ignored, I tried to discuss it with her, and she viewed it as "over-exaggerated" During Covid and I am not kidding she claimed, "Gods punishment for those who lie, or have sinned against their family and God" Yep, she believed it was a cleansing.

Her father is always at the hospital praying that Emilys mind will be healed. He and her mother have asked me If the moment is right if I can at least talk with Emily one more time but will not force me to do it. I am taking small break from work to work on my mental health and have trips planned overseas with some friends.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:

We learn more from failure than victory. Your next story will be better.

I’m kinda surprised y’all were living together before marriage. Very strange for a seemingly completely enmeshed LDS woman. I’ve known many and none of them would do that.

I would say you didn't lose 10 years of progress, you may feel like you have because you've been doused in trauma, but I reckon you're in a better place physically, financially, even emotionally than you were. All of that hard work isn't undone. Re-engage in therapy & take care of your heart & your head.

You've been through a lot & being forced to revisit your abuse and abusers must have been awful, but now you know your fiancé was delulu, probably not the one for you (though honestly if my partner insisted I was lying about my lived experience, it would have been a bigger issue before this).

I hope she gets well, but mostly I hope you heal and move past this quickly. I hope you find your forever person & start to build that loving family around you that deserve. Take care of yourself buddy.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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