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'AITA for flipping out on my parents over yellow mustard and sour cream?' UPDATED

'AITA for flipping out on my parents over yellow mustard and sour cream?' UPDATED


"AITA for flipping out on my parents over yellow mustard and sour cream?"

While my parents and older brother are generally ok people, they can be very thickheaded about some things. Ever since I was a little kid I didn't like sour cream or yellow mustard. The sour cream I can tolerate if it's already in something. But the yellow mustard I hate. Whenever it's put on or in something other than potato salad, it's all I can taste. My parents and brother love yellow mustard.

And whenever my dad made hot dogs or burgers, he'd wanna sauce them for me. And I'd have to insist on doing it myself or I'd get them covered in mustard. Then he'd act disappointed when I couldn't eat them. And I tried. He and my mom would just say that my sense of taste would change as I got older. But it never did.

At least in regards to yellow mustard. My brother even thought it funny to prank me with it a few times by taking a bottle of mustard and squirting me with it. His first job was in fast food as well, and he'd like to mustard my burgers every time I ate there while he was on shift. I kept complaining and that got him in trouble with his manager.

With the sour cream every time my parents made Mexican food, they'd ask me if I wanted sour cream on it. And I mean EVERY TIME! I'd just point out to them that I'd never liked sour cream. And to stop asking. Recently I was invited over to my parents' place for dinner along with my brother. And while eating the food I tasted yellow mustard.

My dad asked me how I liked the food and I went completely deadpan asking him why he'd snuck mustard into it. He acted like I was imagining things. But I pointed out the bottle that was still on the counter, and could find layers of it in the food. He just sighed because he'd been caught.

But I'd had enough. I stood up and asked why they'd both been trying to force yellow mustard and sour cream on me all my life when I couldn't stand it. They said that they just thought I'd eventually like it. Then my brother piped up and said I was being rude. I told them all I was tired of this.

And after nearly 25 years of life you'd think that they'd understand that I never liked yellow mustard or sour cream, and to stop pushing it on me. My brother said I was being stupid. I said he wouldn't be happy if someone was always pushing the foods he hates on him. He can't stand sushi, and I love it. But I never push sushi on him. He said that was different, and mom and dad were just being nice by making me dinner.

I said enough was enough, and I wasn't eating any more yellow mustard. Then I thanked my parents for the dinner and said my goodbyes as I walked out. My brother texted me that our mom was crying and dad was very upset. I said back that it was time I put my foot down because I'd had enough.

He called me an a****** and we haven't spoken since Friday. Now that I've had some time to cool off I wonder if I went too far. So AITA?

What do you think? AITA? This is what top commenters had to say:

Kristylane said:

NTA. And I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but it doesn’t get better. Last week I had dinner with my mother. She ordered salmon. I hate fish. She asked me three times if I wanted to try it. The first time I said no. The second time I said no because I don’t like fish. The third time I asked her how long we’ve known each other and if I have ever liked fish because I’m fifty years old and I don’t like fish.

Guess who still put a piece on my plate “just to taste”? Anywhoodles, I’m 50 and my mother still does this to me.

personaperplexa said:

NTA. My dad tries to force really runny eggs on me (because that's what he likes) and I have 'ruined Christmas' by taking them back to the frypan to cook them more.

]arachnobravia said:

NTA at all. They are being incredibly inconsiderate to your preferences in food, especially since you don't even live there and they don't need to deal with it every day. It's not like you are even being picky, it's two incredibly optional condiments. Not like either are essential ingredients

OP later shared this update:

Well I saw all of the NTA comments and decided to confront my parents without my brother there. They weren't happy when I told them about this post. But I had them start reading the comments. And my dad was pretty mad at first. But my mom calmed him down. I asked why they'd been so dead set on making me eat mustard for so long. Because the "I might grow to like it" ship has long since sailed.

And trying to trick me by putting it in my food was not cool. Well my mom stuck up for me and said they'd been pushing it for far too long, and it should have stopped a long time ago since I've clearly never liked mustard.

My dad just looked depressed and half apologized to me. But also said he was mad that I went and told the world about what happened. Then kinda bitterly said he'll never bother to try and put mustard or sour cream on my food again.

I apologized too for making the post. But also said that I wish I didn't have to go online for validation on something that should have ended years ago. My parents agreed, and now the situation is more or less over. Things will be kinda tense between me and my dad for a while. But hopefully this'll pan out better in the long run. I want to thank all of the kind people who supported me here. You guys rock.

Sources: Reddit
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