So, here's the deal. I (28M) am getting married next summer and my fiancée (27F) and I are in the middle of planning our wedding. The guest list has become a bit of a battleground, specifically regarding whether or not to invite my sister (31F).
Backstory: When my sister got married three years ago, she didn't invite me. Her reasoning was that she wanted a very small wedding (only 20 people), and since we weren't super close at the time, I didn't make the cut. I was really hurt, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it to keep the peace in the family.
Fast forward to now, and my fiancée and I are planning a slightly larger wedding, about 50 people. We're trying to keep it relatively intimate with only close friends and family. When the topic of inviting my sister came up, I was hesitant. I feel like since she didn't consider me "close family" enough to invite to her small wedding, maybe I should do the same.
My fiancée thinks we should invite her to avoid family drama, but I'm not so sure. I'm still hurt by the whole thing, and part of me feels like this is a chance to show her how it felt to be left out.
I haven't made a final decision yet, and my parents are pushing me to just let it go and invite her, but I'm torn. AITA for considering not inviting my sister to my wedding because she didn't invite me to hers?
Tipsy-boo said:
NTA. But if you invite her - she will look even pettier for not inviting you.
KarayanLucine said:
Ignore your parents, its your wedding. Ask yourself if inviting her would make that day worse or better. To me, it sounds like you already know. Ask your wife to respect you decision and if your sister starts, just remind her she showed you that you are not close family and go pound sand. NTA.
Kyoslendertoes said:
NTA. It’s totally fine to not consider inviting her but if you feel like you guys aren’t close or have a good relationship then it’s cool to not invite her. Inviting her may bring yall close but then again it’s your wedding.
TeleportMagician_777 said:
NTA. Cannot be hypocritical here. Don’t invite her if she didn’t invite you.
FuzzNuzz180 said:
NTA. Honestly if you are not inviting a sibling to your wedding are you even family? Family’s more than blood. Its actions and choice and if you don’t want her there like she didn’t want you honestly you aren’t really family, more like two only children that happened to not be only children.
Knittingfairy09113 said:
NTA. Your sister chose to torch her relationship with you when planning her wedding. This is a consequence of that. Tell your parents that the time to care about this was 2 years ago. They chose to wait and here you are.