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'AITA for 'forcing' my roommate to give up being a vegan?' UPDATED

'AITA for 'forcing' my roommate to give up being a vegan?' UPDATED

"AITA for 'forcing' my roommate to give up being a vegan?"

I don't like 'Julie'. But rent is cheaper in this apartment complex and it's even cheaper spilting it with someone while the city we're in is really expensive. I'm 24f & she's 32f.

She has an aggressive dog. It chewed up too many of my things to count, barks for 10 mins straight until Julie tells her to stop. Her dog is territorial and she would growl at me when I try to step into the living room when she's there, so no the living room is the dog's territory, which means it's Julie's property, so to say. She doesn't do anything about it and just says the dog is still a young puppy and is energetic.

Julie is a vegan and she takes a lot room in the refrigerator. She said that my meat products need to be vacuum-sealed to not contaminate her veggies. I told her no and she can vacuum-seal her own sh!t.

She often complains how she barely has money to pay rent every month because her groceries are expensive and raising a puppy is also expensive. I don't help her out simply because I don't like her and I don't care about her. Call me heartless, but I wouldn't mind her getting evicted.

These are only tame. She once let her dog into my closed but not locked room when she had a friend over. It was humid and hot day, and her dog pooped on my rug. I came back to the most disgusting smell and I know she saw the brown poop on my white rug because she let the dog out and closed the damn door back.

We had a big fight and she said I was the one who said no one can go inside my room so she can't go in and clean it. Last month, her dog was in the vet because she's trying a new brand of food. Then they detected something bad in the abdominal and blockage, but the dog is fine after surgery. They made a payment plan and she has to shell out 300 every month towards the bill.

She asked me for some money to pay the monthly vet bill and I said no and she accused me of not loving her dog. I told her that she's right. Before you hate on me, I never liked dogs before meeting her but I can tolerate living with one for the sake of rent.

Julie's now saying I'm heartless, she's gotta 'betray her belief as a vegan' and start eating meat cause it's cheap. I told her there are other cheap vegan options but she says they're bad for her body and it makes her sick.

What do you think? AITA? This is what top commenters had to say:


NTA. Her dog, her vet bill. Also sort of confused, because around here, meat is more expensive than a lot of vegan options, like rice and beans.


NTA you're not responsible for her diet and her pets. If she can't afford both she's going to have to give one up. The dog is 100% her responsibility and hers alone. The audacity to even ask you to help pay for its bills.

You also shouldn't have to spend more money to specialty seal your food when she's the one with the problem. She can deal with the extra costs associated with her stupidity. Don't cave in on any single aspect. People like her need to learn the hard way.


NTA. Julie sounds exhausting.

And said:

NTA. Rice and beans is pretty cheap. Bulk frozen vegetables. Big ass bags of potatoes and onions. Canned vegetables. All pretty damn cheap. No real vegan is going to start eating meat at the drop of a hat like that.

Also, no one is ever under any obligation to pay for someone else’s pet, regardless if the pet is an asshole or not. I feel like there’s a sort of angst around non-dog lovers -I’m not a big fan, but I’m not cruel either. I just wouldn’t toss someone a couple hundred for their dog, much the same as I wouldn’t toss a human I don’t like a couple hundred.


I've spoken to my parents and they want me to return home. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it took many commenters to tell me I'm being stupid for staying under the same roof with Julie for so long.

Circumstances beyond my control played into it. Our lease is month by month, so I won't be renewing it and Julie can take on the full rent. I've told my landlord about how I can't live with her anymore and given reasons why.

I talked to Julie last night and also told her that I'm leaving. She demanded that I stay and spilt the rent because her dog's vet bill is drowning her. She's blaming everything (her need to stop veganism, rent, bills, and lack of companionship) all on me and how I'm a horrible roommate for leaving her at a time of dire need.

I understand she's struggling financially, but I've made up my mind and I'm leaving this unhealthy living environment. She's been sobbing all night and now I'm wondering if I'm making a big @$$ deal out of this and if my living situation with a dog is mild compared to others.

I don't want her to get in trouble with the landlord or eviction, but I don't feel comfortable in my own home. Some of you say that I'm being unsympathetic and I'll never sympathize with what Julie is going through because I'm not a dog lover or a dog parent, so idk what to do now.

Sources: Reddit
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