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'AITA for how I reacted to finding out my BF has two kids?'

'AITA for how I reacted to finding out my BF has two kids?'


"AITA for how I reacted to finding out my BF has two kids?"

I (25F) have been dating a guy (31M) for the past 2 months. However, last night he told me he has 2 kids.

I was honestly shockeddd that this was the first time he was telling me. Especially since we’ve been dating over Christmas and didn’t even mention it? I’ve never dated anyone who had kids before, so naturally I was curious and started asking questions. Whenever I got to my 4th question he started getting slightly defensive, asking if I was I the cops, because I was asking so many question. Lmaooo.

Eventually I was able to get through to him and explain how I was feeling, since he basically kept this a secret and sprung it on me as if it was nothing. He opened up and said that his kids have two different mothers and that they don’t get along because they kids were born only 4 months apart. And the youngest is only 9 months old.


At this point I’m literally flabbergasted.

We were both kinda dr%$k and I to him I would go back to my own apartment because I needed to think about it all. He didn’t want me to leave on my own and take the subway (we live in nyc) so we both went back to his place to sleep and I slept in the spare room.

I left ealryyy, around 5am and now he’s blowing up my phone asking me what’s wrong and what happened, that this was the reason he didn’t want to tell me he had kids because I wouldn’t like him anymore.

Pleaseeee someone tell me I’m not loosing my mind and that this man is crazy? I’m actually laughing so much writing this because how tf did I not notice this man has two kids? Is he that good of a liar?

At this point I’m ready to break up with him, because who even is this man? If he lied about that, what else is he lying about? Am I being an a^%$ole about this situation?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA. Two baby momma's and the kids are only four months apart. Do you honestly think he's ever gonna be loyal to you with that history?

And My God, he’s 31. I have never typed this, but, RUN, NOW, FAST AND FAR!!

The kids are also both from the year before he started dating OP, and were only 7 and 11 months old when he began dating her. This isn't even a "yes I cheated but it was over a decade ago and I've changed as a person" (which I don't really buy regardless but some people might).

This guy has basically proven that he wasn't loyal to either of the women who carried and are now raising his kids. OP will be lucky if she gets a few months before he's moving on to his next conquest.


Exactly. I can never ever trust someone who lies so easily and so long about something so important??

Break up with him. You're shocked a 31 year old has kids? "dating" for, what, a month? Do the guy a favor.


I’m not shocked he has kids, I’m shocked he kept it from me for so long.

Run. If he would lie about his children, he will lie about anything. Do you want to become baby mama number 3? Think about it, why hasn’t he married the other women he fathered children with? And the youngest is 9 months? He’s just getting his dick wet all over town. You’re 25, go date someone single with no kids. This is a recipe for disaster. Now if you stay with him, just know you were warned.


This is literally my thought process rn

Where in nyc? My first question was has a spare bedroom in nyc? Aren’t there any signs of his kids at his place?


Brooklyn. Haha I was literally thinking this when hr first told me. I had stayed in his so manyyyy times and never seen one toy or baby blanket or anything associated with children. When I went back last night I was literally scanning the whole place and seen nothing.

Sources: Reddit
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