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'AITA for getting frustrated with my GF's messages after my dad just died?'

'AITA for getting frustrated with my GF's messages after my dad just died?'

"AITA for getting frustrated with my GF's messages after my dad just died?"


My Dad died a few days ago and I'm mourning him. There were some difficulties with getting my family to organize a celebration of life for him so it's mainly fallen to me. On top of this, I have a two month deadline to submit a research paper for my job before my contract is up.

Afterwards I will have to move to another research institute (likely not in the same country). Finally, I have recently developed frequent gastrointestinal pain which is negatively impacting my quality of life.

My girlfriend went to Europe to visit her sister and travel/tour/sightsee. She booked her vacation long before my dad passed and flew out before then as well. I was with my Dad in the hospital for around 14 hours the day before he died. I called her to talk to her and she was supportive, and spent a long time on the phone with me.

Two days later however, while she's out touring, she sent me pictures of jewelry in the local shops that she likes in order to "train me to understand her style". I wasn't very responsive to this, but she seemed adamant that I understand her preferences.

The next day she sent me another picture of jewelry and I also wasn't very responsive. She picked up on this and asked what was wrong, so I told her: "My dad just died so jewelry shopping is not going to register in my mind".

After this she apologized, and I told her I knew she "wasn't trying to be insensitive but that there was a time and place for things like this". As far as I was concerned, the issue was settled.

This morning she messages me and tells me that she "doesn't like the way I talked to her yesterday about the jewelry", and that it's "better if we don't talk rather than dealing with our issues over text".

She said she knows that I "have a lot going on" but that she "also has her reasons for sending me messages". I don't know what these reasons are, but I feel hurt by this.

From my perspective, my dad just died, much of the death arrangements have fallen to me, I'm weeks behind on work and my girlfriend's biggest concern is that I told her I didn't want to talk about jewelry or consider it important.

I thought the issue was settled, but evidently, it wasn't settled for her. I feel like she has been insensitive and hasn't considered the issues I am facing, even though she knows about all of them. AITA?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


Danger, Danger Will Robinson. She sounds extremely self centered. I would treat this a major red flag. NTA. I am sorry for your loss.


This, this, a million times this. Sending jewellery pics to "train" you (I mean, WTF?) is just...something else. Doing this in the first place is a HUGE red flag. Her reaction when you called her out for how it made you feel, is even more alarming.

It's not difficult to anticipate that someone who has literally just lost a loved one needs support and understanding. So it comes across as breathtakingly insensitive and downright weird to start sending them your jewellery ideas.

And then pouting when they aren't very enthusiastic, because, y'know, that person is grieving. I'm so sorry about your Dad - it's awful losing someone you love. Take care of yourself.


It’s a very unsubtle hint she’s expecting an engagement ring soon. But right after your dad dies? OP do yourself a favor and cut her off before she stomps over your mourning even more.


Respond accordingly.. "No need to worry about texting or talking or reasons to send me messages anymore. We're done. Enjoy the rest of your trip." Then instantly block her.


NTA. She's sending you pictures of jewelry she likes for you to pick out her engagement ring. Dude, your dad just died and she'd sending you pics of rings she wants you to buy for her. She's training you. Do you want to be with someone crass enough to respond to your grief with essentially her Tiffany wish list?


NTA. Sorry for your loss. Your girlfriend sounds very self centered, sending your partner jewelry ideas literally a couple of days after their parent dies, is an AH thing to do. And yet she thinks there's a problem with how you spoke to her??

She sounds awful, don't let her manipulate you into apologising, she is in the wrong. Who cares about her reasons? I can't think of one that would excuse this, there's a time and a place.


NTA. It sounds like your girlfriend is angling for an engagement ring before you leave for your new job. Given how callous her responses have been in the days after your father’s death, I would not give her one. She isn’t the kind of supportive and loving partner you want.


Sorry, what? First of all, I am SO sorry for your loss. I'm sure your dad was so grateful to you for spending his last day on earth with him. You have all my sympathy. Your girlfriend, however, sounds like a psychopath.

It's been only a few days and she's sending you photos of jewellery and getting mad at you for not being receptive to that? You are absolutely NTA here, and she is more than just an AH, she's the devil. Get the hell away from her.


Yeah, see, as soon as I hear that “training” garbage in a romantic relationship my advice is to get gone. I’m so sorry, NTA.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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