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'AITA for getting a single mom fired and evicted?' 'I'm the reason her child's father is a deadbeat?'

'AITA for getting a single mom fired and evicted?' 'I'm the reason her child's father is a deadbeat?'


"AITA for getting a single mom fired and evicted after she harassed me for weeks, because I’m the reason her child’s father is a deadbeat?"

I've never had such a crazy situation happen to me before and I need to know if I'm the asshole. I was with my ex for two years. At the two year mark we got into a huge argument and we broke up for five months. When we got back together he swore to me he didn't sleep with anyone else during our break.

A few months into getting back together I get a DM from a girl sending me proof they were talking during our break, slept together, and she's pregnant and he's ghosting her. I was shocked beyond belief and confronted him, he broke down and admitted to sleeping with her but said she was also with other men so he has no proof he's the father.

I broke up with him. He didn't take it well and started harrasing me, coming to my job and apartment unexpectedly, threatening to do bad things to himself if I didn't get back with him. I had to get a restraining order and move.

I thought that was behind me, but I guess it's not. In July, the same woman DMs me saying it's my fault that my ex is a deadbeat because he blames the baby for the reason why we broke up so he won't take care of it. She sent me the DNA results and court papers for their case.

I was confused and didn't reply back. She started sending me other hateful messages saying that I'm the reason he's a deadbeat like WTF?! I ended up blocking her. Since then she's made fake pages to harass me in my comment section, a burner page on Twitter to reply to everything I post.

She's calling me a deadbeat by association, messaging everyone I follow telling them I'm the reason her son doesn't have his dad in his life and even messaging my supervisor at work on LinkedIn...I'm close with my supervisor and she knows the situation already but this was my breaking point.

I found her place of employment through her LinkedIn and saw she works at a DV shelter...I drafted up an email with all her harrasment and unblocked her to DM her that I WILL be contacting her boss as she did mine if she doesn't stop the harassment. This was a month ago. She begged me not to saying she needs this job and said she won't message me on any page ever again.

For a week there was nothing, but her sisters and mom started harassing my friends and family instead since I'm private! I know they're related to her because they follow her and post her and her child. I was fuming that she thinks she found a "loophole" so I emailed everything to her boss.

They replied back a day later saying they were shocked and apologetic for this behavior and it doesn't coincide with their message so she is no longer an employee. I kind of regret it since this causes them to harass them even more but I didn't know what else to do.

Her mom ends up writing a long message on FB (which I don't even use) tagging me saying her daughter is now homeless because she couldn't pay the rent after getting fired for "calling out the women that made her BD a deadbeat."

I blocked her and everyone that replied. I do feel bad she's now homeless and my dad says I should have taken pity on her and just told all my friends and family to block their pages instead of contacting her job.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

New-Number-7810 said:

NTA. You should talk to a lawyer and see about getting a restraining order against this deranged woman.

Dragon_Bidness said:

NTA. She did all that to herself and her child.

Agoraphobe961 said:

NTA. Her time and energy, along with her flying monkeys, should have been put towards harassing the deadbeat not you. And she literally works at a job that deals with people who are victims of both kinds of behavior (deadbeats, crazy ex, etc), she should have had access to resources to know the consequences even better than most.

friendlily said:

NTA. You should also have reported her and her people's harassment of you to get a second restraining order but you were fine to tell her boss. She works with vulnerable individuals and doesn't sound stable. Plus, you're never responsible for someone else's behavior. They both decided be intimate without protection, she decided to keep the baby and he decided to be a deadbeat.

skorvia said:

NTA. That woman is crazy and her family is crazy, sometimes I think the world is just a bad comedy movie, because I don't really understand people's madness.

BreezyBluejayo said:

NTA. You were harassed relentlessly, and it sounds like you tried to handle it without escalating things. When someone crosses the line into harassment, especially to the extent she did, it’s understandable to take action to protect yourself.

cassowary32 said:

NTA, your ex is the worst. He was going to be a deadbeat anyway. I'm amazed that the woman was dumb enough to believe his deflection. What exactly are you supposed to do with that info? Contact the guy you took a restraining order out on and tell him to be a proper dad? Why isn't she harassing HIS family? They sound like they belong together. Two incredibly unhinged people.

Sources: Reddit
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